Looking for Mule deer hunt


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I think it depends on whether you want to use an outfitter or not. Do-it-yourself hunts in Wyoming and Montana are an option for you. Plenty of public land and plenty of deer. The guided hunts will be more of a sure thing, but will cost you more money of course. Plan ahead so you don't miss application deadlines and be flexible as to when you go, because drawing the tags is not a given - you might not draw one year and have to go another time. Just some thoughts......

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sorry, i mis-read that and thought you were looking for an outfitter. find an area you want to hunt. contact the game & fish office and the chamber of commerce in that town, and ask each for a list of ranchers/property owners who allow hunting. then, just call your way down the list. ranchers around here charge 300. to 1,000. for a good deer.

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Guest WY Hunter

I think you have until september to buy a preference point here in WY, its $25 and its worth it, there is alot of good mule deer hunting in the state, find an area with lots of public land, and apply for a regional deer licence. Region D is not as popular as some areas in WY but there are a lot of deer and alot of public land, the west side of the Snowy Range holds a lot of deer, but you will have to stay out of the Wilderness areas unless you are acompanied by a resident guide. Dont miss out on the preference point, it will pretty much garentee you a tag in 2009 but without it you probably wont draw the tag. Good luck.

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