Remember your first time?

Guest Andrea

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The first time I went hunting by myself I thought every little sound was a deer. I never sat so still in all my life. I remember sitting there thinking "How in the world am I supposed to pick up my gun without the deer seeing me?????":D

And I remember being quite nervous being out there in the dark all alone. For the first couple of years I had to have my husband walk me out to my stand. :o:rolleyes:

Of course, now all that's changed. I don't even take a flash light anymore in the afternoons. ;)

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I remember! LOL :D

I realized if I was ever going to see my bf during hunting season, I was going to have to hunt with him. My only concern was getting lost so he PROMISED that he would walk around with me until I felt comfortable. We got to our spot for the morning and loaded the guns. I thought he was being sweet when he pinned on the compass to my coat, but wasn't sure why I would need it since we were going to be together.

He points and says "Just keep heading north until you get to the next logging road and wait for me there." :eek: He went up above me a couple hundred yards and walked the same direction. So much for the guided hunt he promised.:rolleyes::confused:

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Yep, I remember. It was an afternoon hunt. I got up late and found another hunter in my afternoon spot, so I walked past him and cut half-way up the mountain just out of his sight and sat down by a big tree. I sat for a whole 30-minutes then had 3 deer sneak out past about 6 other hunters, without a single one of them noticing them, and then I shot this button-buck at 100-yards and he dropped in his tracks and rolled half-way down the mountain towards the hunter I passed to come in. Then the other two deer ran up to my father at the top of the ridge and he shot the doe and the third deer, a spike took off down the other side of the mountain. You should seen the other hunter's faces when my father and I came dragging two deer back out after just walking in 30-minutes before past them. :D



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The first time I hunted, I had a doe come right up to my stand. She knew something wasn't right and was stomping all the way to the stand and bobbing her head trying to figure me out. Then she just meandered away. I was no threat to her--it wasn't 'doe days' yet. I had gone to deer camp for 2 years, but never hunted. I thought I was lucky to see a deer the first time out. Everyone had to list to me yammer about all evening.

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