How about some seed reviews!


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With food plot season upon us I thought it would be sweet to have some people post up what seeds they've planted,what brand,how well they grew,where it was purchased, and maybe even some pics.

I plan on doing some clover and chicory,and since I don't need 25 lbs. I'll probably end up buying some name brand seed to get the small quantities I need.It would be nice to here what has or hasn't worked for everybody else.

I did my first plot last fall.It was turnip/rape brassica mix and I added about 15 lbs. of winter peas to it for a little over 1/2 acre.I bought all the seed from Maxi Rack's website.The prices seemed very reasonable and it grew great,but the deer never really got turned onto it like I had hoped.


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For clovers look at the hamann farms trefoil clover blends, been very happy with the grower mix. We prefer fall plantings of clovers here, you can buy online here and get the seed by 10lbs. I planted chickory along with my fall planting this time around and used just 1 lb of chickory from wal mart in the mix.

We planted a fall planting here this past year, will get some current pics soon.

Spring plantings this year will again be a mix from the 4 h program and then some rr beans from eagle seeds, possibly some rr corn too.

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I referred Mudrunner to the Maxi Rack brand, but i myself hadnt used it yet. I used it last year, and it looked great. Had the brassicas/turnips up to my knees with softball sized turnip bulbs. Looked great, but deer never hit them either. Going to try clover/chickory mix in the bigger plots and maybe some buck forage oats in my hunting plots. Hopefully it'll work out! Sorry, i couldnt get any pictures on photo post, said they were of a wrong format or something. O well

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I have only really planted one food plot before. I planted Techomate Monster Mix in a small area about 10 feet by 10 feet under one of my tower stands. It did very good for only getting about 3 hours of sun light a day and no fertilizer. The deer were in there almost everynight and there were scrapes and rubs all around it. I would suggest this seed to people planting plots in the woods, or even in feilds.

here it is:



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Hamann Farm Fall Deer Mix with a little extra wheat:


Hamman Farm Winter Brassica with wheat:


Winter Wheat with some purple top turnips (local seed):


They are all pretty much eatin' to the ground right now--need to plant more next year. The deer ate all the greens off the brassicas but have not touched the bulbs.

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The best I can do is some trail cam pictures.

Here's a couple of pictures of 2 of our summer food plots that were planted in alycee clover. We had to spray them with Post for weed control.



I didn't position trail cameras much for getting decent pictures of food plots and deer at the same time this past fall. The ones I got were mainly at night so this is about the best I can do. Our winter plots were planted in a mix of wheat, oats, and rye. As you can see the deer have it mowed down pretty good in this one.


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