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Tonight my dad is booking our first out of state hunt. We are going to Quebec for black bear this spring. (me, dad, grandfather) Really excited my senior week gets to be spent up north in a tree instead of on the beach with a bunch of partiers:rolleyes:.

You guys that have gone on bear hunts, is there anything I should bring or expect? We did buy a thermacell for each of us so mosqitoes are covered:D.



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Well, I can't speak for Quebec (I avoid that provice like the plague), however, bug-dope. Lots of it. Your more likely to get eaten by insects then a bear. Aim a little further back on a bear then you would on a deer. And if you've never drawn down on a bear before, chances are you'll get the shakes pretty bad. I don't know what it is about bears, but they seem to bring on thier own buck-fever on steroids. Be ready for it.

I guess if there's any advice to be pulled out of this post, practice shooting with a few dozen mosquitos and blackflies making a meal of your bow arm after drinking a few pots of coffee...

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Dubie is right about the bugs!

I went to Quebec some years ago black bear hunting (lake Baskatong). The outfitter was Black Bear Lodge and they were terrible! Actually that trip resulted in my decision never to use an outfitter again. They took 18-20 hunters per week. I went in early May which was the second week they took out hunters. Of the group prior to my group only 1 hunter got a bear. Of the 18 in my group only 6 took bears, and one of the 6 came from a frustrated hunter that illegally shot his bear from a dump site. I never even saw a bear the entire week. Probably because of all the bug juice I had to use to keep the black flies off me.

The mosquito nets I use in Illinois were effective against the mosquitos, but not them #@%* black flies. They are like bees, covering your body and working endlessly to find a place to enter your defenses and attack. Black flies are seasonal, after May their numbers are low, but then I have heard the horse flies begin their assault?

Take a head net that has very small holes. You can buy them at most convienient stores in the area. Also use duct tape to tape your sleves to your gloves. I did this after the first couple days, but had to learn the hard way.

I too am going spring bear hunting, but not in Canada. I'm heading out to Idaho this year and I'm doing it myself. I've heard the insects are not near as bad. Anyone heard anything about the bugs in NorthWest Idaho in late May early June?

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Thanks guys, fishing is included with boat and motor on the trip. The outfitter he booked us with is WT outfitters they where at the eastern sports and outdoors show. they take 8 hunters a week so not to crowded.

I didn't mean to take any wind out of your sail. Quebec is a beautiful place and I have no doubt you'll have a great time as long as you are prepared. Going with your family makes it all the more special. Be sure to let us know how the trip went once you return.:)

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a guy that works with my brother took us bear hunting in north carolina about nine years ago. and it ranks up there with whitetail hunting except when it takes three arrows and four shots froms a 30-06 to take em down, that was the only drawback to bear hunting, pretty sure they aren't all like that but i can't complain because it was a rush and a half. i hope your trip is awsome cause it is, and yeah watch the bugs cause they carry tags of their own.:D

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  • 5 months later...
Guest blackbearaddict

dont rely on the thermacell hickeys and bring GOOD headnets anyways. We went this past spring and it was great except for the blackflies. We were countin on the thermacells and they really didnt work at all. But i here other people lovem. Just make sure you bring headnets. And the most important thing ............. have a heluva hunt!!!

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