What is your favorite fish to fish for?


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  slughunter said:
I really enjoy walking up and down a stream in search of brown trout. by far my most favorite fish to go after.


if i lived out west or i had more time to fly fish i would agree here, rainbows and browns on a fly rod are a great time, spending a day wading a stream in search for a some trout is a great time, but since i live in illinois the majority of my fishing is done for largemouth so largemouth would have to be my favorite fish to catch, but musky is a heck of a time too

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Guest jmbstudios

When I get the chance, ain't nothin like flyfishing for trout...

But here in SW Arizona we go for the catfish...... We do have nice Large mouth bass here, but the cats are the fun part!

Especially when you get that 80# on the line.

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  RangerClay said:
Bass are a boring fish. Muggs has it right. If you ever caught a steelhead on light tackle you would never a purple worm again.

We don't have steelhead down here. Now, if you wanna talk FIGHTIN FISH...there's nothing more fun than catching tuna, groupers and amberjacks. Haven't gotten to fish for marlin yet but can't wait. :cool:

By far the hardest fish to reel in is a shark. It takes forever.:eek::D:D:D

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I'm willing to bet a tuna would fight A LOT harder than a steelhead, but I've never been deep sea fishing...someday though. I think that would be a lot of fun.

Actually, I'd kill to fish for tarpon with a nice 12 weight fly rod.:cool: That and peacock bass fishing with the fly rod are my top dream fishing trips. I think I'll be doing both someday.

Chris, Just say the word bud. The steelheading should be red hot here in a month or so.

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Guest nyhunter

Fightin fish

Pound for pound and inch for inch, you can't beat the fight of a smallmouth bass. I fish in a reservoir that supplys NYC with alot of its drinking water and is mostly a brown trout fisheries but have caught smallies up to 22" and 6+ lbs. Trout fishing is great and the crappies can't be beat for the eating.:p

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I'll agree with Andrea that some sharks are real sporty. Blacktips are awesome fast and jump like tarpon. Plus they are darn good on the grill :)

I love to fish for Mahi's (Dorados, Dolphinfish). A big Bull Mahi has shoulders and let's you know it.

Tunas are the toughest IMHO. They are just ridiculous divers. They go down, and down and down.

Wahoo's win for speed and will strip your thumb bare if you are dumb enough to touch the spool on one of their runs. They are for certain one of my favorite to eat fish there is period.

I've done plenty of freshwater fishing as well. Not bored with any of it.

I like to fish! Sometimes I really miss my boat :(

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  turkeybuster said:
Has anyone ever been in a catfishin tournament?

Yes ma'am. Sure have. There are several down here. They are 24 hour tourneys. I stay awake and fish the whole time. It's crazy. But haven't scored on a really big flat head yet during a tournament. Sooooooooo many boats in the river during that!!!

Lot of fun. :cool::):):):)

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