Are there any disadvantages

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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2 years ago we planted jointvetch and alycee clover in our summer food plots. Last year we just went with alycee clover because the jointvetch grew too slow and the seed is very expensive. Alycee clover is not actually a true clover, but it's an erect annual summer legume with a thin stem. You shouldn't plant these until late spring or early summer though.

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All your weed seed is just itching to get going in the spring and it is nearly impossible to get a good handle on it. Thats why so many people do fall plots(starting as early as the end of July here in Wisconsin). Corn and Beans work fine in the spring because of the herbicides used with them. I recommend discing your plots every 3 weeks or so all summer to knock your weeds back and then go at it around Aug. 1 pending rain.

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