I'm having a Cardiac!

Straight Shooter

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Well, I took the plung and have a Cardiac on the way. It's been a tough decision to retire my CSS Challenger; after hunting with it for the last 8 seasons and taking 21 deer including a P&Y with it. I really couldn't pass the deal up either, brand new in the box for $550.00- 300.00 under a Mathews by the way!;) LOL I can't wait to get it and set it up for the up and coming season, it stinks I can't shoot it until June because of shoulder and elbow surgery. However, it will be tuned and completely set up ready to shoot when June does arrive. My neighbor having 2 ROSS's was a big selling point for this bow, since I was able to shoot his and by far thety are a smooth and forgiving shooting bow.

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It should be here Monday or Tuesday, I had it shipped from a pro shop about two hours away. I figured shipping was cheaper than gas. When I get her all dressed up I'll take a picture or two. I''l have to lay the whole family of my bows out and take a picture of that as well. They do keep getting shorter too, I've got two CSS Challengers at 39 ata, a Martin Slayer Extreme at 37 ata and now my Cardiac at 33 ata. I like those avatars, pretty cool! Good luck with your new one as well!

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Yes they do and I can't wait, I'm all ready thinking of trading my Slayer Extreme for another Cardiac. I kind of like to have the same bow for a back up so my form isn't all over the place if I have problem during a hunt. Found an excellent deal on AT for Doinker stablizers at 20.00 a pop on the 4" D2. Now I just got to get a Whisker Biscuit ordered for it.

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