AR-15 question


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I've done some research and talked to a couple AR guys around here and they're all pointing towards the Rock River. The only problem is that it'll take me 8 weeks to get it.:)

Check with RB precision My varmint model was going to take a long time to get everywhere I checked with, 8-12 weeks or possbily even more. I actually had the gun on order from eagle arms, and then I checked with RB, do not remember for sure but think her name was Krista, and she had the rifle in for me in around a weeks time. RB is in Illinois not sure how close to rock river they are, but they have great prices too, she beat eagle arms price by quite a bit.

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I did alot of looking for almost a year before I purchased mine alittle over a week ago. I went with the DPMS in the M-4 style carbine. It is the 5.56/.223 with a 16" barrel. I got a basic model as I don't need the rails or anything. I am honestly more comfortable shooting iron sights on that gun since I have been shooting AR's almost 10 years in the military. I broke in the barrel according to the manufacturers specs and then did some ammo testing yesterday. I had sub .75 at 100 yds with Black Hills PSP 55gr ammo. I can honestly say that I was very surprised and happy with it! No malfunctions, etc. Great weapon, and I paid about 900 bucks for it NEW. DO your shopping and take a look around before you buy. I will be using mine for the exact same purposes as you, so make a checklist of what you need and what you want, there is a huge difference. Happy shopping, Eric

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Here is my rock river varmint, it is the 20" model and the chambering is a .223 wylde which will shoot the .223 and 5.56 both, but is supposed to be tighter than the standard 5.56-.223.

It ran me $911 shipped with 2 extra clips to the ffl shop. RB had their prices listed on these a while back when someone asked me. Cannot remember exactly how much they were, but it was close to what I gave for mine. Best advice I can give you is to check around after you know what you want and then after getting several prices check with Krista at RB, she will likely beat or match any prices and in most cases can get the gun for you pretty quick too.



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Thanks Eric. Nice looking setup you have wtnhunt. Tomorrow I'm going to head over to my local shop to place the order. He always gives me good prices and seeing that he's my only local dealer I like to give him the business. I decided to go with the Rock River Entry Tactical with a Chromed lined barrel,Quad Rail Free Float Handguard, Hogue grip, Winter trigger guard and a Smith Vortex Flash hider. It'll run me around $1,200. The reason I didn't go with the Varmint rifle is because I have a Remington SPS Varmint in .22-250 coming in on Friday:D I'll be putting on a Nikon Monarch 4x12x40 AO scope on her.

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Thanks Eric. Nice looking setup you have wtnhunt. Tomorrow I'm going to head over to my local shop to place the order. He always gives me good prices and seeing that he's my only local dealer I like to give him the business. I decided to go with the Rock River Entry Tactical with a Chromed lined barrel,Quad Rail Free Float Handguard, Hogue grip, Winter trigger guard and a Smith Vortex Flash hider. It'll run me around $1,200. The reason I didn't go with the Varmint rifle is because I have a Remington SPS Varmint in .22-250 coming in on Friday:D I'll be putting on a Nikon Monarch 4x12x40 AO scope on her.

Not to try to discourage you in any way, but you might want to look here before committing with your local shop, $1200 may be a bit high on the price. Found that eagle arms listed prices were a bit on the high end too.

Be sure and post some pics of both setups here when you get them:cool:.

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If I order the rifle through him I won't have to pay a transfer fee. The reason I say around $1,200 is because of the few add ons I'm ordering with the gun. The Quad Rail handguard is $120, the winter trigger guard is $10 and the S. Vortex flash hider is $54. The Rifle itself is $1,055 with the chrome lined barrel and tactical carry handle.:) I'll definitely post pics when I get them.

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I own a RRA in 223 and am very impressed with it I have also shot the DPMS and the Colt as well as some custom builds... with that said in my opinion the only way to get exactly what you want is to build it and with the AR you have the most vast options available and the sky is the limit.

Not to downplay the quality of the factory packages as they are very capable downrange

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