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boy fellas, i made a mistake. me and my girlfriend and my girl cousin and their girl friend decide to go 4 wheelin. well i was drivin and just my g/f and her friend were on it......and let me tell you, the best thing to do on a "date" is to not go up a hill on the 4 wheeler and have it tip straight up, throwing the 3 of you into 6 inch deep frozen water......LOL! just thought i'd share that little piece of info with you....she was just mad cause she was cold, but i lust any luck of anything wink.gif (tryin to keep it appropiate for little kids) and umm.......well, she wouldnt talk to me for like 5 minutes, but other than that is was pretty good day. now i just want to advise you guys, dont do that to your wives and g/f's! it could of been much, MUCH worse....LOL!

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Big buck: Sounds like you might want to practice a little more ATV safety? If I read your post right, there were three individuals on the ATV, in snow, going up hill? How could you not have seen that as a recipe for disaster? Thankfully, nobody was injured!

I hope that this is not your usual safety practice with your ATV, and that the "excitement" of fresh snow just caused a momentary lapse in judgement. Best of luck with the girlfriend and happy (safe) riding.

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Big Buck: The fact is YOU DO ONLY LIVE ONCE! I like to have fun too, infact I love to take my four-wheeler out and get a little mud or snow on the tires, but that doesn't mean I am not safe about the operation of my ATV. I recognize "boy's will be boy's" but coming in here and saying reckless horseplay and endangering your riders is just fun... well, that's just not quite right. You have an obligation to your riders to provide safety! Were any of you wearing helmets?

Sorry if it seems like I'm coming down a little hard on you, but I have seen numerous ATV accidents where individuals were "just having fun" and they left my care in a black bag on a stretcher (2 in the last couple of years as a matter of fact).

I don't doubt that you have confidence in your riding ability, but all of the factors change when you add passengers and varying load distributions. I am sure you have heard all of this before? Regardless, just be safe, next time that ATV rolls you might walk away, but your girlfriend might be the one who doesn't. JMHO

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brother, if you think im not safe.....i challenge you to ride for 5 minutes w/ my g/f..............lol......shes worse than me...............and i have NEVER had an accident with more than scratches on the other side...and i no youre just tryin to help...i know youre not tryin to yell at me and be mean.

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You are correct big buck, I am not yelling and I am not trying to be mean... I only hope you take the time to recognize that ATV accidents happen very quick and very often, and despite how skilled of a rider you are, you have an obligation to practice safe riding technique.

I also hope that your record for "never" having a severe accident stays intact... Just do what ever you can to improve your odds that accidents don't happen. That's all I'm saying... just be careful!

Best of luck and happy riding.

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