what is the best trail cam

Guest thunt

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Homebrews are the way to go if you can build one or find someone to build one for you. Fast and good pic quality. If you want a good commercial cam, would suggest leaf river cams. They are not as fast as some others, but they are well built. Moultrie's new cams are supposed to be better than they used to be. Might check out reviews at chasingame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cuddeback still has the fastest trigger speed on the market. Their menu system could be a little bit simpler. I have no problem with it, but a lot of my friends ask me to program their camera's every year. I have 5 of them and had to send one back. I have not had any issues with the company. I do think they are a bit over priced, but they are pretty rugged.

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Guest TylerMatheny

Homebrews are the best. If you don't want to do that then cuddeback is the closest thing. I recommend the expert, I have had bad experience with the no flash.

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