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I already freaking broke 2 arrows! grin.gifgrin.gif I have two broke arrows now! Both arrows are broke from almost robin hooding them! At the top of the arrow they are split about 4 inches! Just didnt hit right! Ole well! I would rather not broke them and got the robin hood! Ole well! Time to start shooting different targets! I dont wanna break anymore!

By the way this was at 30 yards to! This switchback is a HOT bow! I LOVE IT!

LOL i bet I had you guys going!

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You know, I went to the bow shop today, held one, etc, then I held a Legacy.... The Legacy felt better!

I want a Legacy soooooooo bad!

And dude, hows that funky stabilizer set up working for you?

That is original!

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I have heard that the Outback, and switchback feel almost identical in your hand. I have shot an Outback some, and I prefered the Legacy myself.

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You know, I went to the bow shop today, held one, etc, then I held a Legacy.... The Legacy felt better!

I want a Legacy soooooooo bad!

And dude, hows that funky stabilizer set up working for you?

That is original!

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Love my Legacy!!!!!

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Man, Ryan and Luke, you two are like little school girls! (lol), Back and forth, "mines bigger and better than yours!"

But Ryan's right; he'll shoot the Buck that came from Lukes stand... because Luke pee's from his stand! (sorry Puke... had to mention it again!)

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Yeah, but you seem to keep leaving out the part that I Tagged deer, so the pee doesn't seem to be hurting the end DUMB Goat.... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

And don't you have somebody's luandry to chew up ??? grin.gifgrin.gif

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