It's Official!!!!


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I got a call from the taxidermist today and he said that my buck from November 2nd (3 1/2 months!!!) is drying and finishing touches going on thursday. I'm def going to be attending the Deer and Turkey classic in Bloomington with him. Hope to see you guys there and I will post the pics when i get him next week. I got a sneak peek today at his house tho....

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Nice deer.

I don't think the Illinois deer expo is too early (Feb. is a good month to have it), but it sure stinks for late season harvests. I took a nice buck on the last day (Jan. 17th) and can't enter it because it can't be officially scored until after the expo is over. Next year I could enter it but it will have to be a historical entry. Late season harvests can never be entered as a current year deer. Bummer.

Glad to hear things worked out for you this year.

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I took a nice buck on the last day (Jan. 17th) and can't enter it because it can't be officially scored until after the expo is over. Next year I could enter it but it will have to be a historical entry. .

Glad to hear things worked out for you this year.

Just wanted to let you knwo that they will score it while you are there for the contest. The only thing is the drying time on the rack.

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