In a dilemma...


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Ok guys I want your opinions, what should I do. I'm askingo nly hear because I know on Realtree I'll get honest answers and smart ones:rolleyes:

I've been asking on different forums about my gun pattering. I've heard it all from "buy a really expensive choke, don't waste your money on the others" to "get a scope" or "spend the money on a good choke, don't bother with the sights" or "check the fit of the choke in your barrel, something about the edges not being flush, it looks fine to me. Seriously this is getting more conplicated than it should be.

I want to have a decent gun, I don't need an expensive choke...maybe one a little better than the undertaker, but not some $50 choke....or $60 Red Dot scope.

So I don't know if I should put on some TruGlo sights and replace the crappy Mossberg ones and maybe get a different choke....or what anymore...I just want a bit better pattern than I have, while having fun doing it, then going out and hunting some turkeys come May.

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I would recommend getting a comp-n-choke. Yeah it's sixty bucks but it's worth it. I recently put one on my 835 and the difference in pattern density compared with the factory and undertaker were like night and day. The way I see it if the bird is close anything will prob do the trick, if you want to extend your range to the max just incase, get a comp-n-choke. At 25 yrds I have double the amt of pellets in the kill zone with the c-n-c and it just outperforms the farther you move out. I debated for two years on whether to get one or not and i'm glad I did. New sights will maybe get your gun hitting where you want it, but it's not going to change your pattern, just where it hits.

Oh yeah I would put the scope on the end of the list, choke first, new sights second, scope third

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Guest WY Hunter

I wouldnt get caught up in spending a bunch of money on different gadgets, I killed my first bird with an old rem 870 my dad bought when he was a kid. I agree with some of the other guys, pattern your gun, if it shoot low hold high and vice-versa. Good luck

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Spend a lil money on some sights that are truly adjustable to get that pattern dead center then you should be able to get at least a decent pattern with what you've got, i think you'll be surprised.

I have to agree with Covehnter. To have confidence in my turkey gun, when I aim at a spot, I want to know that's where it will hit. I don't care what the aiming system is you use as long as you can adjust your sight to zero into the center of your pattern. There shouldn't be any guess work involved come the moment of truth. There's already enough going on in your mind when a bird is standing out there in front of you.

Your choke is OK but you might want to try some other loads. If you have a friend close by that uses a different load you ought to be able to work something out with them. That would save you from having to buy some other shells besides the Federal shells you've used. If you don't, well you can only do what you can with what $ you have.

BTW...if you want a better sight on your turkey gun in the future (scope, red dot scope, or holosight), put it (along with the mounts) on your Christmas list so you'll have it next year. ;) JMHO...There's nothing like having a sight that gives you a full, unobstructed field of view of your entire target.

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Guest spurcollector

The best way to experiment with choke tubes is to borrow them from friends. If you find one better than yours, then you'll spend the money.

My friends and I trade tubes and shell brands and sizes to experiment. Then we only buy what we like.

Sights are nice, but you can always aim to compensate. You just have to know how your gun shoots.

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Ruth, if you have not already, try bore sighting the barrel and see if you get enough adjustment with the sights that are on it. Bore sighting is simple. If it is not giving you enough adjustment, you might try changing out the sights, the tru glo universals at wal mart are under $20. Did you check the link at wikipedia in the other thread on this topic

Your problem is not a choke tube problem, as the pattern is not bad, it is just off target. Furthermore, if I was you, I would continue to use the cheap shells and get the gun on target before patterning it with expensive turkey loads.

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K.I.S.S.!!!! That's what I was always taught. :)

You know your choke is patterning pretty good and think that you have it nailed down that your sights are less than ideal (your patterning high). I would say try aiming a little bit lower to just make sure that it is the sights and not you jerking the gun. If it is the gun I would first try something cheaper like a new set of TruGlo sights with a little bit more adjustment before running out and spending a lot more money.

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Well I did what someone told me on ehre to try..pointing at the target and "shooting" with the gun loaded. I did that last night and caught myself starting to flinch or something. I did it a couple more times though I;ve got to remember to just go slow and squeeze the trigger. I looked today for some Winchester or Rem shells and no had any! I'm probably going to order from Cabelas...and maybe get a sight at the same time...Oh and I picked up some Hoppe's gun oil and cleaner since we are all out so I'll get it clean

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