Trophy Ridge

Guest Wholaverj

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Guest Wholaverj

Re: Trophy Ridge

so if the bottom pin is sighted dead on at 20 yards then the other 4 pins will hit at 30 40 50 and 60 yards without moveing the sight or anything else right or wrong?

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Re: Trophy Ridge

Yep - real neat cam gears, each is adjustable, very cool.

What you do is this;

To sight in your close range pin, leave it where they have it set, just adjust the pin housing up and down.

Once that is sighted in, you use the pin adjusters to raise or lower the other pins.

It works great and once locked in, dont move!

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Re: Trophy Ridge

I have the 5 pin micro matrix. I am not to fond of it.

I love the vertical pins but the way the fiber optics stick unprotected out of the bottom of the housing is bad news. The sight guard is plastic! Trophy Ridges customer service stinks.

I expect a little more quality in a sight in this price range.

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Re: Trophy Ridge

Yes Ive had one problem with it. I put it on my bow and didnt notice that it set lower than my old sight. My first shot the vanes cut 3 of the fiber optics. I started laughing because it was my own fault for not being a little more careful. But, I think that unprotected fiber optics looped out of the bottom is a flaw in the design of this sight that TR should have caught.

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