riffle help!!


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uncle past away last wk and my aunt called me this morning to ask me to come visit her(they are extremly wealthy)and have some tea she needed to talk to me and it was important.as i went in i seen a bunch of stuff laying around that i new was uncle joes.she went on to tell me uncle wanted me to take care of the camp and i was to have all his hunting equipment.Along with it were some really nice riffles.But one really gotmy attention when she brought it out in a nice real nice case.she said it was really expensive and i had topromise it would never be sold it had to be passed on down the line.I know it is worth alot of money but don't know to much,i know i can search on the internet but thought i would check in with my forum family first.When my wife gets back from her trip for work i will get our only camera and take some pics,the gun is a double barrel riffle made by John Rigby in 470 cal.nitro express.Any and all info will be appreciated in advance.Man is this thing a peice of art.

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A bonafide John Rigby Double is worth a FORTUNE!!! In 470 Nitro Express? Holy Cow what a great rifle! I'm drooling!

It is almost certainly worth at least FIVE FIGURES probably way up there in those five as well.

Don't let anybody swindle you out of that piece, it's about as irreplaceable as they come.

Please post pictures. That's an awesome gun!!!! Seriously, you need a safe to put that thing in.

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...Wow!!...depending on the condition(grade), any special markings or insignia on it (?), and several other things about it ...(stock?...is it Corsican walnut?etc...)...it could be worth around $10,000, or more.

....Rigby is an English company...this is like an elephant, or safari gun.

....I am not an expert, and we are not a gun dealer..(although we love gun shows)...and I recommend consulting the blue book of gun values..and seeing what the more experinced guys on this forum, say.

....Remember....promises are important to keep. I know that you will honor your uncle's memory and request by not selling it. You will be rewarded!

...and I am not a spelling expert, and don't take offense at this....but RIFLE has one F.(you gotta get this one right, in this forum).

Good luck!!!!....and go out , get yourself some ammo, and shoot it!!!!(then pm Strut10 for a request to be an honerable OTPG member!!)...smile, smile,smile

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I wouldn't have the insurance coverage to cover a rifle like that myself, and wouldn't want the responsibility.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I don't usually take, nor give gifts with strings attached.


i guess were it's kinda an inheritance and not a gift i will take the strings attatched and it's not a string it's called RESPECT and my family has been brought up on respecting other family members and helping out in time of need.We might have been pretty fortunate growing up and had a promanant family buisness(construction)but what i got i worked for.i guess i'm babbling right now but it kinda offended me with taking something with strings attatched, when i clearly stated my situation.I will take my inheitance with pride and lock it up in one of my cannon safes and tomorrow first thing my insurance agent will be out to appraise and put on with the rest of my guns.Oh ya and that wasn't the only nice rifle i got!!!

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Do yourself a favor and have that rifle appraised and insured. Depending on the grade......we are talking 50-100,000 dollars...No B.S. I think it would be great if you kept to your Uncles wishes and passed it along. I would make sure that you have a living will. By the way.....will you adopt me????

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hey guys...davet, and popcorn....I think you guys just misunderstood one another....

davet...I am sorry your uncle died...that is a great honor that he chose you to carry on the tradition, and I can see how you took might of took offense at Popcorn's opinion...I don't think he was directing the"strings attatched " comment at you, I think he was making a statement of how he would handle the situation, if it happened to him. Maybe he wouldn't be able to stand the thought of not being able to sell that gun, if it was so valuable. I think it was a statement of excitement about your gun.:Remember....he posted because you asked for help, and advice.I recognize that you are a person of high moral character,and duty....

..Try to keep in mind that everyone is different, and that some things,or ways, in which people try to get a point accross vary in so many different ways....and, as I am learning......communicating without hearing or seeing someone opens ourselves up for misunderstanding.

.....Heck, I have a warped and sometimes wicked sense of humor. I like to good-humoredly jab and poke fun at people, and use subtle sarcasm.....but there might be some people that might take me literally; To hurt someone in the least would be the ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE thing I want to do.

....and I am quite sensitive, myself.......I am sorry if I have offended anyone with any subtle, twisted comments. ...This forum is full of so many different people...with so many things to share and help with...

....Popcorn, I hope you come back;.......you have wonderful knowledge to share.

...and davet....you've got a heck of an awesome gun!!!!!!!!!(I still think you should go out and shoot it before putting it away in the safe!!!!.......and join OTPG!!!)

.....thank you for your honesty and character,also.-aksheephuntress


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Sorry for your loss first and foremost. However, that is one heck of an inheritance...I'm sure it will bring alot of good memories back. My father (still living and hunting with me) already started giving me the inheritance guns...My Remington 1917 is getting retired this year now that I am almost done restoring it.....That is getting handed down to my boy when he graduates Hunters Safety....

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gee wiz i hope you come back popgun.i didn't mean to further offen you,just really couldn't see and still don't see how there were strings attatched,but i to appologise if i offended you!!i respect you for your ways if you couldn't except the gifts cause of they're worth than you to should be respected,if thats how you were brought up thats how you were brought up,not one person should ever be sorry for their beliefs like said above everybody has their own beliefs and they should be respected.I thank-youfor the info provided and hope we can talk more i really love the forums and the help from people,i'm an amature in the hunting world(in my opinion)and need alot of advise.I have hunted deer and moose in maine allmy life but never even thought about any other species or out of state hunts until this yr.I want to get more involved and take this sport on as a hobby full forced and am gonna need alot of advise,so i hope we can go on and i look forward to hearing back from you.

i origanlly came in here to update you all on what i had found out,and when i seen the disagreement i had to adress that first,i intend to offend no one and make any enimies.

My insurance agent came out this morning after i got home from a long night of work.The John Rigby .470 nitro express is worth an alarming 97,000 and isn't gonna be to bad to insure since i own a cannon safe they say if i hadn't it would have been outrageuos.Also there were some other nice rifles a ballard 1885 7mm rem mag,blaser s2 safari in .375h&h luxus grade,winchester 101 grand european in 270,and some other more common rifles,and some fine shotguns.I do see a point in taking such a fine collection and being responsible.I didn't realise the worth in these guns.I'm going to go talk to my aunt and see if there might be any other family members to share in this with me.I have hunted with him allmy life and was pretty close but so were others.So as of right now i'm not officially accepting thisuntil futher discusion.

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sorry guys it's only been 1 wk since my uncle passed and it's been a ruff wk.alot of stuff went undone since i do work for the company he owned for 38 yrs.like i said the wife is away on a maditory buisness trip and i wish she could be here with me she flew in and out the same day on the day of funeral.She won't be back til the 3rd of march.I have been talking to my aunt about another family member taking some of these nice rifles.She told me that uncle joe wanted me to take care of the camp and for that i was to have all of his equipment(and let me tell ya thats an estate itself).To make a long story short alot of stuff is going on right now,wife has our only digital camera,and i really don't feel right to go showing off something so valuable that my uncle who isn't even in the ground yet left to me.But when my wife gets home and i get a few minutes to download the pics and things aren't so hecktic i will satisfy you all with some pics cause man ain't this rifle beautiful!!So soory for the wait but if it's to much to ask oh well.

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I sure hope there is a legal and binding will written up so that your uncle's wish's are carried out. Laws vary from state to state on wills, estate, gift and inheiritance taxes. The state can come in some cases and settle the estate if there is no will. I hope it all works out for the familys involved and my condolences for your loss, just make sure about the tax implications that may be involved in this matter.

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oh btw whats a cannon safe?:confused::)

www.cannonsafe.com it's one of the best safe imho to buy,more expensive but well worth the cash.Our family buisness got broken into last yr they went into our shop and took our torches and tried to open our safe and couldn't.Don't know how many there was but what we do know there wasn't enough to carry it out.

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Davet I know exactly how you feel. The loss of a dear relative and the unexpected gain of his favorite guns. My father-in-law when he lay flat on his back in a rehab hospital recovering from a stroke at the age of 99 waved me close and whispered to me that he wanted me to clean out his gun room. Now his gun room was bigger than most living rooms and contained a wealth of firearms. Nothing that approaches your Rigby but several Parker shotguns that exceed the value of the safe I bought to house them. When I asked what he wanted me to do with them he replied they are yours to do with what you want. He, a couple of weeks later, consented to come live with us and did so till he passed away a little over a year ago at the age of 103 1/2. I always just thought of his gun collection as though I was keeping them for him. Now that he has passed away they have become mine and I would not nor could not sell any of them. They now represent a connection to him that helps me remember him and his generosity in a most positive way. Just be thankful for your good fortune and live up to the terms and you will be able to recall all those good hunting times with him. Also remember it was his desire for you to have his posessions no matter the value. You know I'd be willing to bet he thought long and hard before he made the decision so enjoy the gift. He obviously thought a lot of you.

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