Alone in the woods?


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Have any of you ever camped out in the woods, by yourself?

Let me tell you, the idea seems freaky but gosh it's so darn fun! I did it once, and despite the pack of coyotes howling and freaking me out, I had the .22 with me just incase:eek::rolleyes:

I'm planning in the spring to get a one person tent that's easier to hike with, going up in the woods up behind my house, setting it up, going out looking for sheds all day, then coming back to my tent for a campfire meal and sleeping out, by myself.

So who's up for it?:D:D

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Went up to Boston to visit some friends and stopped over night somewhere in the mountains in PA or just across the border (don't remember, 25 years ago) in some state park. Had a little one man tent and durning the night something came by my tent that sure stunk!!!:eek: Figured it was a bear. Sure glad it wasn't too curious! Next time I'm in bear country, I'll sleep in the back of my truck.:rolleyes:

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NO thanks. I've seen too many scary movies. ( Blair Witch Project comes to mind):eek:

I did camp out by myself when I was 11 or 12 though. My parents didn't think I'd do it. I didn't even have a tent.:rolleyes: It was on our 10 acre property. I wasn't that far from the house. Skeeters almost drained me dry.:D

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yeah, that sounds real peaceful. There is nothing more to calm the soul than sleeping out in the backcountry, alone.(although, its much more fun, with your one-and -only, sleeping in zip-together sleeping bags!)

.....When we were living in the wall tent NE of Fairbanks (6 months!)before we finished our cabin, my husband was gone a lot, 600 miles away, commercial fishing . It took a lot longer build the cabin that way, but we built as we had the money.

I was pregnent in that wall tent with a 2 and 4 year old ,for weeks at a time... with the closest neighbors living a 30 min hike down the trail....and town was 2 hrs.(but, 1 hr hike to the truck).We didn't bother going anywhere, since it was too much trouble anyway, with kids that young.(it was before we had the 4-wheeler). Oh,yeah...early that summer I broke my ankle, so it was hard just hauling water for everything, and gathering firewood for the yukon stove.

It was nice having the dogs chained nearby....and I'll never forget the simplicity,beauty and self-sufficiency of that time.

........Now, I love to scout or glass , and hunt by myself,at times. My guy and I take turns watching the kids ,if either of us feel the need to "get away from it all". ...Ultimate way to be in the present.

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(although, its much more fun, with your one-and -only, sleeping in zip-together sleeping bags!).

Well, as fun as that sounds, my one-and-only has no interest in hunting, beyond the eating of meat. She doesn't quite understand my obsession with spending time in the back country. Its a rare occasion when she agrees to come with me. She also doesn'

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Well, as fun as that sounds, my one-and-only has no interest in hunting, beyond the eating of meat. She doesn't quite understand my obsession with spending time in the back country. Its a rare occasion when she agrees to come with me. She also doesn'

:confused: She also doesn't what?

Hope she doesn't expect you to stop hunting once you get married.;)

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