Well this just STINKS!!!


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I am taking an online Business Law class. pretty easy and interesting so far (its only been a week). Well I went to take my first quiz about 2 hours ago (done online) and I click on it, it pops up, I go to click the button to maximize to box, and when I did it, i must have thrown in an extra click and hit the "home" tab while it was expanding, cause it sent my straight to the colleges "blackboard" page :mad::o:eek:. It says you can only attempt the quiz once and you MUST finish it the first time, no coming back and finishing later. So yup, I didn't even get to answer one stinkin question, and when I tried to go back (had to at least try) it says it has already been done. So now, I have to wait, I emailed the professor to see if anything can be done, but he has yet to write me back, I know he has been online since he has made a few posts in our discussion room for the class, I am hoping he just hasn't checked his email yet. :o

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You could probably do it again if you just clean out your cookies;)

I wish it were that easy. But its not on my end, it is on the schools end. Once you log in and start the quiz, its in the schools system, so there is nothing I can do but sit and wait until I hear something from the professor. :(

but I did try it anyways...didn't work

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I teach several on-line courses using blackboard and that happens to my students all the time. I've always allowed them to re-take the quiz (you will likely be assigned a unique password).

It happens so frequently that I no longer select the "force completion" option. That way if a students computer goes down they can power up and continue the quiz where they left off. Students can still only take it one time. Some professors don't take kindly to students telling them how to run their course, so be cautious. If your professor says no you could file a grievance and you'd probably win.

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yeah we have that blackboard crap out our college, it dont like it in my opinion, things can get really messed up on it, i just tell teachers that use they are just lazy

There is a learning curve with blackboard for students and teachers. If it's messed up then either your schools IT department is poor or your teachers are not using it correctly.

Guns don't kill people and technology doesn't make teachers lazy.

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