skull mount mishap


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so me and my buddy decide to do a euro mount on my 8 pointer i shot during the gun season of 2003. having never done this before we were in for a treat. we neglected to do any checking, on the web or ask anyone other then some of our other buddies how to do it. we just knew we had to boil it. lol so we take the whole head hide and all and boil it in plain water thinking everything would come right off. wrong it just cooked! god we are stupid!! it was the worst smelling thing ever! we didnt even take out the brain matter crazy.gifIMG_0918.jpg

you can see it was still steaming

after alot of scraping and picking and leaving the bugs eat it, this is how it looks today(its not mounted to anything yet. im embarassed even telling this story but ive come leaps and bounds from then.


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