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high blood pressure runs in my family, all of us boys have it, well im trying to get mine down with out going to the Dr., ive been working on it for the last 2 weeks, been watching what i eat ive been running a mile 5 days a week, lifting weights and doing situps, drinking nothing but water and some OJ from time to time, ive read that tobacco is a big cause of high bp im trying to stay off it, i went 3 days with out a dip and broke down last night to buy a can, also im staying away from sodium as best i can, also another reason im trying to get it down i figured i had 6 months till our local police department was testing, well turns out they are sending 2 guys to PTI in june and we are testing in a month, im trying to get my butt into shape again like i use to be, and i know my bp is a big cause to it, does anyone else have any other tips beside stay away from tobacco and sodium, i could really use em

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Mine is high without medication! I am taking 2 different pills each day! One in the morning and one after dinner.

Salt will elevate it and so will tobacco! Need to get rid of them!

If it runs in your family, you will more than likely have to go on medication. I would go to the doctor and have it evaluated. It is nothing to play around with!

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Sounds like you have accounted for all the modifiable risk factors (well except maybe the tobacco). Be realistic with yourself. So many of the patients I have taken care of in the past express how they are going to do all the things you mentioned and then quit a few weeks/months later and go right back to their previous lifestyle and continue to suffer from hypertension.

If you're still high (above 139/90) after trying all the things you mentioned you should let your doctor know. The recommended initial medication is a Thiazide diuretic. It will make you urinate a lot leading to a lower B/P. If you are prescribed a diuretic you may want to take it in the morning so you're not up using the bathroom all night.

Hope things work out for you.

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Sounds like you've been doingall the right things....probably need to go see a Dr. and he'll just give you a med. for it. Keep on exercising though and no tobacco or salt and stuff like that, because that will still help you in the long run. Good luck!

Oh and you said you've been working on it for two not likely to see a lowering in BP that takes a little don't think what you're doing is not is.

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drink a glass of wine , one of the two wines ( red or white ) actually lowers your BP , my aunt used to drink a glass of wine for dinner every day , and one day she went to the DR office for her check up he was suprised on how much her BP dropped , stay away from fried foods , good luck's the RED wine...especially any Pirot, or Merlot...good antioxidents,too!

..Acupuncture,believe it or not ,helps too.

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