Have any Rio tips?


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As some of you may know, my son and I are going to Texas to hunt Rios in mid march; and I was wondering if Rios need to be hunted differently that the Eastern's we hunt back here at home. I can imagine cover might be scarce and long range taking, sometimes is common( rifle is legal I hear). I like shotgun range(40yds and under) and Joe might bring his Ross bow.

I hear also that snakes are an issue too:rolleyes:.

I think Eastern tactics are different due to the terrain. Who has hunted both?

Are there any tricks or tips that that we might be able to put to use ?


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With the lack of cover, Rios usually roost in the same tree(s) everyday. I like to get as close as I can to their roost as early as I can; at least an hour before sunrise. They flydown earlier than easterns too. I have had much better luck calling in rios with friction calls rather than mouth calls. The louder and raspier the better. Just a few tips...good luck.

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Like 3whunt said...friction calls work best for Rios, particularly calls with a little higher pitch than the ones you might prefer to use on Eastern birds. From mid morning through the rest of the day using a loud box call to prospect for birds is a good tactic. You'll probably have to deal with windier conditions than you're used to and box calls carry further than most other calls.

Rios are vocal throughout the day so plan to hunt all day long. JMHO but I've found Rios were actually easier to work in the afternoon than in the morning. As you know, that is definately not the case with Eastern birds.

I'm not sure where you'll be hunting in Texas but I've hunted places in Texas where cover wasn't a problem and other places where it was. If cover is a problem you'll just have to cover more ground to get around on the birds you choose to work.

Generally Rios are easier to work into range than Eastern birds. At times they will seem to come in quickly so set up quickly when you locate the birds. You will still have the same problem with hens as you do with Eastern birds but sooner or later they will get seperated from them. When I encounter henned up birds in Texas I leave them to look for other birds. You can always come back and work those henned up birds later when they get seperated.

Be prepared to set up on some less then perfect trees. You might even find yourself setting up in brush with virtually nothing to put your back to. Everything that seems to grow there will stick you, stab you, or sting you. You might even want to use some leather gloves at times. Make sure your seat pad will protect your bottom too. Snake boots are a must have item for me in Texas. Not just for snakes but for walking through prickly pears, cactus and other thorny brush.

Ticks are real bad in Texas. Bring a lot of tick spray and don't be bashfull about using it liberally.

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expect the unexpected never asume they will do something. The like to talk and the jakes are usaually more aggresive than the toms on certain days. The best piece of advice would be to pattern them they are like deer they are on a clock they do the same thing at the same time everyday unless theve been bumped then it will take a few days to get back on track.

On my property the turkeys show up in march and hang all spring roosting in the same trees and doing the same patterns as the year before some old birds and some new birds.

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BTW Adjam5...are you hunting with an outfitter? If so, how much land will you have access to hunt?

We are hunting with a friend who owns about 1000acres and also has access to a very large lease. Axis and Javelina are possibly availible too.

I feel like a kid again waiting for Christmas:D I'm very excited about going with my son. We have done a lot of eastern hunting together, and this will be a nice addition to loads of memories we have in the field .

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We are hunting with a friend who owns about 1000acres and also has access to a very large lease. Axis and Javelina are possibly availible too.

I feel like a kid again waiting for Christmas:D I'm very excited about going with my son. We have done a lot of eastern hunting together, and this will be a nice addition to loads of memories we have in the field .

Cool...check with your friend regarding the timing of spring green up there. Maybe he can email you some pictures of what the terrain looks like too. From that you can decide for yourself what camo you think will blend in best. He'll also be able to clue you in about what conditions to expect when you arrive along with the temperature ranges.

I've hunted southeast Texas in 90+ degree weather before around the end of the 1st week of April. It's usually cooler than that, especially early in the morning but it can get warm in the south Texas sun in the afternoons.

BTW, by very large lease (in addition to the 1,000 acres your friend owns) are you talking 10,000, 20,000 or even more acres? I only ask because I have sort of an unusual tactic we have used in the past hunting turkeys on very large tracts. We've used it in New Mexico hunting Merriams, on an 86,000 acre place in central Texas and on the King Ranch.

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BTW, by very large lease (in addition to the 1,000 acres your friend owns) are you talking 10,000, 20,000 or even more acres? I only ask because I have sort of an unusual tactic we have used in the past hunting turkeys on very large tracts. We've used it in New Mexico hunting Merriams, on an 86,000 acre place in central Texas and on the King Ranch.

I will check with him on the type of camo and I have been looking at heavy duty airline gun cases( I think Gander Mtn has one I want) and snake boots. I think the $100 or so we each spend on the boots is cheaper than the co pay at a hospital out of state for a snake bite.:D

As far as the land. My buddy said somewhere in the 30-40K acre range. Thats like the size of the county I live in here in NY! I can't wait!:)

Any advice on hunting Rios is treasured;)


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...BTW, by very large lease (in addition to the 1,000 acres your friend owns) are you talking 10,000, 20,000 or even more acres? I only ask because I have sort of an unusual tactic we have used in the past hunting turkeys on very large tracts. We've used it in New Mexico hunting Merriams, on an 86,000 acre place in central Texas and on the King Ranch.

Let me guess, you drive around and every so often you stop, shut off the engine, and blow the horn? Or blow a coyote howler? Or bang on some piece of metal? All of those will make a Rio gobble if he's really in the mating mood. :D

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Let me guess, you drive around and every so often you stop, shut off the engine, and blow the horn? Or blow a coyote howler? Or bang on some piece of metal? All of those will make a Rio gobble if he's really in the mating mood. :D

Close but we just use a load box call. If a bird responds you just move in and set up to hunt him. However, there's more to it than that. ;)

1st of course you will hunt birds coming off the roost and do whatever follow up hunting you choose to do on those early morning birds. Typically there will be multiple gobblers roosting together along with hens roosted close by. Once you hunt those early morning birds off the roost and you're ready to move on, the name of the game is cover a lot of ground when you have access to a lot of ground.

Now chances are your friend will have some idea where some birds will be so go hunt them and when you get there move in on foot to those spots where he espects birds to be. While you're doing that though you can occasionally stop, cut the engine, and throw out a prospecting call (we prefer load box calls but you can use a locater call too) to try to raise a gobbler. If you do, hunt him. If you don't, move on. Now in Texas you may find yourself faced with windy conditions that limit your ability to hear a bird gobble from a long distance. Sometimes it gets so windy you may not even hear them beyond 100 yards. Hopefully you won't run into that problem.

While you are driving from point A to point B keep looking for birds as you go. You'll probably find a lot of open areas mixed in with mesquite thickets and those short oak tree wooded areas so chances are you will see gobblers simply by riding along as you go. When you do, don't slow down, keep driving past them at the same speed until you're out of sight and well past them but still close enough to stop, park, and walk back to set up and hunt those birds. Since you know approximately where they are there's no need to call until you're set up. If it gets windy you may find yourself covering a lot of ground looking for birds. Rios usually aren't spooked by a truck passing by. They see alot of trucks driving around on a daily basis on a lot of ranches.

Water is usually in short supply in most areas of Texas. Turkeys will key in and at some point go to a water, especially from late morning through the afternoon. Some birds will hang around a water source area all day since they know hens will come in sooner or later to get water. Texans refer to these water sources as tanks. They can be anything from a small stock pond that gathers rain water to a metal tank that has a windmill that draws water from a well. You should check every one of these every day and possibly more than once during the day. Just drive in and park close enough to walk in toward these water sources without risking spooking birds that may be at or close to the water source. When you walk in, choose a place where you can set up quickly and throw out a prospecting call before you get too close to the water. If birds answer that are relatively close, set up and hunt them. If the birds are far off, close some distance before you set up but keep in mind that some Rios may come running to you.

2 years ago we were allowed 4 birds at the King Ranch so we hunted from the time we set up on roosted birds to the time they would start going to the roost. In 2 days my buddy and I killed 7 birds. I passed up a lot of 2 year old birds trying to kill a long spurred old bird so I went home with just 3 birds in the bag, while my buddy killed his limit of 4. 2 other guys that went with us came 2 birds short of their limit. One of those guys was bowhunting and he only killed 2 gobblers but missed 5 other birds with his bow. In total 6 of us went on that 2 day trip. Out of the last 2 guys, one killed his 4 bird limit while the other guy (after killing 1 bird) went home on the afternoon of the 1st day because he felt bad. Turned out he had a mild stroke while he was there so good thing he went back for medical attention.

Due to a drought they had in south Texas 2 years ago, we were limited to 2 birds last year. 5 of us went to King Ranch to hunt 2 days. With only a 2 bird bag limit we opted to pass on hunting birds coming off the roost so we could enjoy trying to work birds in for a longer period of time. 5 of us went so 2 went in one truck while 3 of us went in ours. The other 2 guys limited out by the 1st afternoon. We killed 4 birds the 1st day, hunted nilgi a couple of hours the next morning and still had our limt of birds by lunch the 2nd day. It was pretty windy while we were there last year so most of our birds came from hunting them by sight passing by them and going back to hunt them or hunting near water sources. ;)

BTW...for the most part we didn't use decoys but there was one occasion last year when we had 2 gobblers in a open area near water with three hens. We saw these birds while driving so we passed them up and then went back and set up on them. We were set up inside the edge of some mesquite trees trying to work them in. When the gobblers wouldn't budge, my buddy crawled about 5 yards to one side, pulled out his gobbler silhouette decoy and moved it slightly back and forth while I hit the gobble call. Since there were 3 of us, we were triple teaming them to maximize the enjoyment of our hunt so the designated shooter was sitting in front of me. When the birds saw that decoy along with hearing the gobbles they came in on a string. I snapped this picture right after he shot one of the gobblers. The other one swung to our left and I snapped a picture of him too over there. Obviously we could have killed that 2nd bird too but we passed him since he looked like a thin bearded 2 year old.



Good luck, have fun, and I hope you're on my turkey team. :D

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Rhino...Thanks soo much for that advice:) That stuff is getting printed out.

I really appreciate it. Your post is getting me even more pumped:D. I will be videoing most if not all the action we encounter and our hunt pics will be posted here... I Promise.

In your pics...will that be the typical landscape(color) to expect in mid March? If so, I think the old woodland army camo would work OK. Between the tickets, gun cases and snake boots I am a bit hard pressed to buy new camo also.

Feeling dang fortunate just being able to do this.( Thank you Lord!)

I am hearing it often from the Mrs. about how I am going away without the rest of them...:rolleyes: "BBBBut Honey...I'm taking one of the boys, soo it not like a vacation".

She didn't buy it :D

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I thing I learned about Rios when hunting in Kansas last year was that it seemed the turkeys ran everywhere they went. You would just see them booking it across a field. I think it was because there is so much open terrain and long distances between woods, river bottoms, etc. Even when turkeys decided to respond to our calls they would always come running!

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Rhino...Thanks soo much for that advice:)

You're welcome...hope it helps get you into more close encounters with those Texas Rios.

In your pics...will that be the typical landscape(color) to expect in mid March? If so, I think the old woodland army camo would work OK.

Those pics were around the end of the 1st week of April. Last year they had lots of rain. The year before that they were in a severe drought. 2 years ago the grass was very short and had that dead look to it but the mesquite trees were still green. What you'll face this year depends on the timing of spring green up where you're going and rain (or lack of it). ;)

On one of my previous post here I suggested you ask your friend to email you some pics of the terrain you'll hunt. I still think you need to do that. Maybe he has some old pics from prior spring turkey seasons around mid March. Also, remember more than likely you'll be sitting up against some sort of tree so take that into consideration too. Ultimately, if you're undecided about what camo to take, take several of the patterns you already have. After all you don't have to worry about scent hunting turkeys. Just air them outside after a day of hunting. :D

I am hearing it often from the Mrs. about how I am going away without the rest of them...:rolleyes: "BBBBut Honey...I'm taking one of the boys, soo it not like a vacation".

She didn't buy it :D

LMBO...can't help you there. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twas the night before Texas... and all through our home we are packing our bags... for The Lone Star State we will roam.:D

Rios and Axis and maybe Javelina too.

You just never know what the Hill country could bring you.;)

We have to tip toe through the sand, for there rattle snakes are everywhere man! :eek:

I will end this poem... I ran out of ryhme, that will happen every time:p

I get silly I tell ya... silly... sometimes:p.

Joe and I are off tomorrow morning!

We picked up some new Realtree HD green and we are ready.

Thanks for all the tips guys! Rhino and Texan til especially.

Fill ya in when we get back.

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