What do you fellow northerners wear for cold weather camo clothing?


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I am in the market for some new cold weather camo clothing. It must be 100% waterproof, as I hunt islands in a major river and the boat ride is usually rough and wet. The temps in northern NY can be single digits or less, and some years even below zero. I have tried the MT050 and still got wet if I sat on my butt or knelt down. They claim to be 100% waterproof. What else is good??


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Ken, I use Guide Series from Gander Mountain. Last fall on the opening day of ML it poured rain on me and I was dry inside when I got home.

Now when it is cold I wear wool pants and a Cabelas Jacket I bought 10 years ago. Then I put several layers underneath with UA and fleece.

If I was in your situation this is what I would do. I would wear a good rain suit on the boat ride and then change into my warm hunting clothes when I arrive. It's really not that hard once you give it a try and practice a couple times. I do it EVERY single time I go to my stand at hunting camp. I have to walk a mile in and mostly up hill to my treestand and I get sweaty, so technically I am wet like you. About a 100 yards from my stand I strip down, dry off, put on my warm clothes, store away my wet clothes, spray down with scent killer, then climb into my stand warm dry and comfy. I have done this during our late ML season when the morning temps were below zero and it works great for me.

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I don't consider myself northern, but I also don't like to be cold. I have an MT050 outfit that does a good job. I'm also thinking about buying a "The Heater Body Suit" one of these days.

Haven't had much luck with the MT050. If I sit or kneel in snow for more than a few minutes, the water soaks through and I get wet. I am getting rid of my MT0505 stuff once I get some new duds. :D

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.........I agree with the raingear for the boat trip, then stripping it off of your winter gear,as Rangerclay said...

.....keeping warm without overheating has been something we have always had to deal with. To tell you the truth, I have always mostly worn army-issue gear. My field jacket and green shoe pak mucklucks with the extra white liners that I got from the Army-Navy store in Fairbanks years ago, have always worked great for me. I just layered adjustingly for the conditions.I do have a Mothwing winter camo I got last year, ...but having zipper problems.I do have Realtree raingear I like...it's warm, too.

......We're looking into the "new age" scentlock camos, and etc. .......and my waders are just as important as my gear.(all year round).

......Our challenge is finding a snow camo lightweight and cool enough for sheephunting(Aug)......currently, we don butchers coats to make the stalk.

...I know not everyone would agree..but for the most part, you can't go wrong with wool.

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We probably hunt in some of the coldest weather up here like you I searched forever and finally found what worked best. I bought a set from Sport Chief, warm as heck and you could stand in the shower with the suit on and not get wet. It has a zip out insert in the jacket and pants for warm days and I would not trade it for anything.

We had 3 days last December of -25 weather and I sat out from 9am to 5pm dark with that suit on in the falling snow no problems.

The suit I have is the Waterton, I guaranty this is the best money you will soend and the last suit you will spen it on.


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I hunt South West Lower Michigan, The UP in Michigan, Northern Indiana, and the Sellway Bitterroot Mountains in Montana year after year. I have found that for still/stand hunting you cant beat wool. Cabela's carries a "guide series" wool pants, parka, vest, hat and bibs that also contain the "Dry Plus" waterproof membrane. I have the whole outfit plus 3 pairs of pants. I have never been cold in it (hunted with a wind chill of -27 in Northern Indiana). When hunting Montana, I wear either Arctic Shield or River's West gear. Both are amazing products. The Ranger ATP (River's West) series have built in snow gators and zippered areas to let body heat out when you get too warm. You don't have to even layer with this stuff. Just put on a pair of Under Armor to keep you warm and dry form body sweat, and put them on. They feel like sweat pants, but are totally waterproof. Its expensive, but worth the money.

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Guest Bear_Down

I hunt in Prince George B.C.. We got down to 40-c this winter without wind chill.

I wear the Browning XPO passage with scent lock for the rain I throw on wetskin rain gear from Costco the has never let me down.

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