To Plow or Not to plow?

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I am going to put in a large food plot this spring but this is my situation. I have a very productive piece of river bottom ground. It was used for row crop production but has benn converted back to hay ground in the last few years. It took a lot of time, work and $$ to do this. Picking rocks, controlling all types of weeds, re-seeding several times, did I mention picking rocks?! I am really not that excited about plowing it up again and bringing more rocks and weed seeds up. Is there a better way to prepare a seed bed and then using a no-till drill rather than to plow it all up again? What products work best when no- tilling is implemented?

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the no till method can produce some really nice plots--especially if you have a cultipacker--However I've had good luck just pushing the seeds into the soil with the tires of my tractor or ATV--just takes a little longer. The advantage is you won't bring more rocks up and also the weed seeds. I have better luck doing it in the fall and spend the late spring and summer spraying with glyphosate to rid all weeds. The method that INBowhunter gave works very well.

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Why would you want to hit it with GLY after seeding?

With the way he is doing it he's allowing the weed seeds to germinate and after mowing the weeds/grasses are in a good growing stage so the glypho should be very effective. The glypho will not affect the germination of the seed. The dead weeds will also provide cover for the young growing plot plants. It works very well.

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With the way he is doing it he's allowing the weed seeds to germinate and after mowing the weeds/grasses are in a good growing stage so the glypho should be very effective. The glypho will not affect the germination of the seed. The dead weeds will also provide cover for the young growing plot plants. It works very well.

YO'K I do agree. I just didn't comprehend the immediate application of the GLY. As long as you don't wait long after seeding I can see the effectiveness of this. I would apply the GLY the same day as seeding.

I hope my comment didn't lead anyone astray. Better to clear this up. Thanks!


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