07 Archery Buck!!!!


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Care to enlighten us??? Just curious!

Sure, here is what I can tell from these pictures.

1. left ear should be turned down more, a ear on a live deer in this position would collect water if it were raining and the deer simply would not be able to hear.

2. it appears to me that the butts of the ears have no definition and are improperly shaped.

3. inner ears on a live deer should be a light fleshy pink with very little hint of brown, the ears on your deer are BROWN.

taxi most likely didnt airbrush them and you could probably expect them to get darkr in color over time.

4.upper brow flat, should be full looking and protrude over upper eye lid.

5. dark color around eye is too dark or bold, should be lighter and softer looking.

6. nose pad should not be black, it appears to me as it is not taxi-ed in proper place and is deformed.

7. bottom lip exposed too much, it should not extend past the lower part of the nose pad unless it was an open mouth.

this is just what i see from the pics, I am not saying its a bad looking deer,but compaired to live photos of a deer your mount has some minor problems.

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