Chokes tubes, whats good & consistent?


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Hey guys and gals. I know this has probably been asked a million times on this board. Kinda like when people ask what's the best deer calibur.

My head is spinning. Can you all list what type of choke & shell combo you use most successfully? I'm leaning to using 3" heavy shot 13 this season & I'm wondering what choke you guys use that can consistantly lay one down out to 40-45 yards. I see some of these choke tubes go for 100$ on down to 24$. Just need some input and some where to start.

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I'm wondering what choke you guys use that can consistantly lay one down out to 40-45 yards.

I have yet to find a gun that did not respond well (or VERY well) to a Comp-N-Choke XXX-Full tube and a Winchester Supreme HV #6 lead shotshell. If you want to drop a little extra cash on a Winchester Elite #6 through one for a REALLY impressive pattern. ;)

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I feel Comp-N-Choke makes an excellent choke for lead shot (I'd like to make note Comp-N-Choke tubes cannot safely shoot Hevi-Shot according to the company!). For hevi-shot I found Primos Jellyhead chokes to perform the best. I heard good things on Rhino chokes with hevi-shot, but they are just too expensive for me to afford.

As far as loads go for lead shot I find Winchester Supreme HV loads to perform the best. For hevi-shot I found Hevi-13 to perform the best. I heard good things about Nitro Hevishot loads, but they just are too expensive for me to afford.

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The winchester extra full turkey choke that came with my shotgun patterns very well with 3 inch winchester supreme hv #5 turkey loads. Fortunately, have not had to try any other choke tubes to get good patterns. Tried #4 and #6 winchester loads as well, and seems the #5's pattern best for me with my gun as it is setup.

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I am in the process of trying to find out what works best through my shotgun as well. I am shooting a Primos Jellyhead choke tube and have shot Winchester Supreme #5's and also Hevishot #5's and can't seem to find a "great" pattern through my shotgun yet.

I am thinking about buying one of those $7 Nitro shells today, just to see what it might do!

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I feel Comp-N-Choke makes an excellent choke for lead shot (I'd like to make note Comp-N-Choke tubes cannot safely shoot Hevi-Shot according to the company!). For hevi-shot I found Primos Jellyhead chokes to perform the best. I heard good things on Rhino chokes with hevi-shot, but they are just too expensive for me to afford.

As far as loads go for lead shot I find Winchester Supreme HV loads to perform the best. For hevi-shot I found Hevi-13 to perform the best. I heard good things about Nitro Hevishot loads, but they just are too expensive for me to afford.

That's what I keep hearing. People tell me that the Winchester loads, the Heavy shot H-13 and the Rem nitro shells are the best. I've got my shell choices narrowed down to these 3. Its a shame Comp N Choke can't withstand heavy shot.

What do you any of you guys know about Pattern Master choke tubes? Are they really worth 100 bucks?

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I really am very happy with my Final Strut choke from Gobbler Guns. It will take the #5 Winchester High Density stuff. But I really like lead #4s for noggin bustin.

If you want a choke that honestly will take any load out there and won't cost as much as a Rhino or Patternmaster check out these chokes. I've seen some very impressive patterns pushed through these.

These are Wad stripping chokes like the Patternmaster and Comp n Chokes. They also cost up to 25% less ;)

If you want to shoot Hevi's with a reasonably priced choke. The Indian Creeks are the way to go IMHO.

Be warned though. Do not shoot Flight control wads through a wad stripping choke.

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Guest Desertrat

I like the Undertaker, and was using it today for some patterning purposes. I was really surprised when a load of Kent Fast Lead 1-1/4oz shot way, way better than a Fiocchi 3 inch, 1-3/4oz load....and all that one did was bruise my middle finger of my trigger hand, and wreck my shoulder!

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