Got it


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I posted a couple weeks ago I was trying to get a job with a wind turbine company based in Ontario to do work for them locally here in Iowa and other parts of the country.Got the employment contract yesterday and next Sunday Im off to Canada to begin training:cool:

It pays better than I expected, has benefits package, paid travel, vacation, and 401K plan.

I almost decided to try to get on full time in the factory Ive been working in for the last month but the place is a joke.They wont hire anyone full time unless you work there as a temp for 1 to 2 years, they fire people at the drop of a hat and let other people screw things up badly on a daily basis without even a warning.The do absolutely no maintainence on anything and get quite upset when the 35 yr old equipment constantly breaks down, then its the operators fault.:rolleyes:The worst part is since the machines are always down they got guys that are working 7 days a week and have been for months at a time without a day off, Im in one of those depts and frankly its not worh what they pay.Im outta there the middle of next week and hopefully this new job pans out for me:)

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...Congradulations!!!...working conditions are so important...I know what you mean,when you described your current job....similiar experience I had working over 60 hrs /wk forever, 6 days /wk at the post office....Part-time flex people get the brunt of it all,no rights in reality.Mismanagement,understaffing,budget cuts,to boot.

..Sounds like this new job you landed is the thing!

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Horst,i work for a construction company that strives in heavy crane work,bridge construction,parking garages.We have 23 crane rangin from 30 ton to the brand new 750,000 toner we just bought To make a long story short here in maine the first windmill farm was erected and completed just about 1 yr ago.As of now we are setting upon another mountain unloadin pieces and gettin ready to complete #2.There are about 5 more projects in the works here within 125 miles.That creates alot of jobs.The turbines we are erecting are the G.E. towers and are pretty kool to work with.As a crane opperator it is really fun to put these things together.If your towers are the same heighth(320ft) you better be in good shape and like climbing.Good luck and congrats i know G.E.pays they're guys really good i hope you really like it,i do!!

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you better be in good shape and like climbing

You know its funny, Ive been in construction my entire life and never been bothered by hieghts.Ive worked from crane baskets, worked on top of grain elevators, and done things from ladders that probably shouldnt have ever been even tried.Never thought anything of it, Id climb anything without a second thought.

Yet somehow the idea of going to the top of one of these has me a little freaked out:rolleyes:Must be getting old or something but Im sure once I start itll become second nature to climb them:D

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That's cool horst! Congrats! Where abouts in Ontario are you going to be? I'm guessing down in the Toronto area. There's lots of turbine action down in that area. If there's any chance that you're going to be in the Ottawa area or flying into Ottawa let me know and we can meet up! :cool:

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