Smoked vinison bacon

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:confused:Has anyone had this before.I bought some to try out this year,the place I take my deer meat to have summer sausage made came up with this new this year.I tried it for the first time this morning and man was it good,I had my doubts about it but am wishing that I had gotten more than three pounds of it now.:eek:I tried to get the recipy out of them but they were not willing to give out any secrets.If anyone has any recipes for this could you share them with me please.

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Its not a secret...If it was its not anymore...:p

Heres how Ole Snipe makes his..

Venison Bacon Recipe – 25 lb. batch

Day 1:

Use 50 – (approx. 12.5 lbs) venison to 50 – (approx. 12.5 lbs.) 80/20 pork/fat.

I grind these through the grinder once using a coarse grinder plate, and then do a thorough mix of the meats and then grind one more time through the grinder using a fine grinder plate... Then in a tub add the seasoning to the mix, cure, an ounce of flavor booster and 4 cups of water. This stuff is sticky, reminds me of the perfect meat glue…… The seasoning and flavor booster is a premix that can be ordered from Curley’s Sausage Kitchen online...


Then pack the seasoned meats into tin foil loaf pans (about 2 inches thick, about the width of a slice of bacon) for the meat to set up over night in the refrigerator and firm up... When setting in the fridge, make sure meat is well covered.. Use wax paper and set pans on top of each other and will pack 4 or 5 high..


Day 2:

Place meat pan upside down onto your smoking racks and gently remove the meat mixture onto your smoking racks... (This is the point why I like to use tinfoil pans.. The consistency of the mixture is very sticky and bending the pans to get the meat loaf mixture out in one piece is easier with a tinfoil pan..) Put it in the smoker at 130 degree’s for an hour with no smoke and damper wide open for drying purposes... Then add smoke and move up to 160 degree’s for 2 hours with the damper half open..Then remove the smoke and move up to 180 degree for about 4 more hours... Remove it from the smoker when the internal temperature reaches 155 degree’s.


Take out and let meat cool, then bag the meat loafs separately and again, refrigerate over night...

Day 3:

Slice meat to your personal bacon thickness preference, package and freeze... Or if you are anxious and hungry, just start cooking it like you would normal bacon !!!


Take the rest of the sliced bacon and vacuum seal them, and put in your freezer..


Cooked and ready to eat....



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