Team Snood Smashers....Turkey Team #4

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Well my son Shane dropped the hammer on his first bird this morning. He got a nice jake and he is so proud. I told him yesterday that it was up to him to take a jake or wait for a longbeard. I was surprised he even got up this morning since he has been very sick all week but he cowboyed up and got up at 4:30. It won't win any contests but I can't be happier!!:D

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I can tell the story now.. Cooking dinner. Pics and official entry will be this evening

We got out there, and I started walking down gravel road through the timber to get to the other side of this big bottom. When I got to the bottom, I heard a gobble, then another one. So I ran up the other side of the hill, and hooted, 4 birds answered me. I quickly sat down and began calling softly. They were sort of answering me, but not really well. They flew down, still gobbling and answering me, kind of. 2 went north and 2 went south away from me. I thought they were done for the early morning and was just getting ready to scratch up my call when I saw a head coming around the field. He came out, and went into a full fan. He strutted out there for a minute, and was spitting and drumming. It was awesome. I could never see his beard, just that he had a full fan. He started coming into my decoys, then stopped, folded his feathers, and began to walk away :eek: I quickly pulled up and shot. It was a 46 yard shot. I called dad to let him know what happened, then I packed him back to the truck. It was only when I got to the truck and was cleaning him up(it was wet, and he blood on his fan and his beard), that I noticed he was a double beard. It was awesome!!! This is the second atypical bird i've killed in the last 3 years. The last one was a triple bearded jake, then this one this morning. I shot him at about 6:30. It's funny because I shot that jake about thirty yards from where I shot this bird this morning.. I was pumped to say the least!!!

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Congrats Bowtech and to your son punkinslinger :D. I just got back to town from hunting, had a few answer, but it was late and they were headed to the roost and wasn't really interested in me. I will be back out there in the morning to try and get one of them.

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Well the morning didn't go to good. I had two gobblers answering my calls, then a hen pictched in also. They all met about 100 yards from me, so I just shut up and the hen started coming my direction finally and both of the boys were following her. They were about maybe 50 yards or so away from me, I could see the red heads bobbing thru the weeds, then all of a sudden the hen took off flying and her boys took off running the other direction. Not sure what the hen seen, but whatever it was sure did ruin my morning.

Going to get a quick bite to eat and go and try my luck again this afternoon.

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That stinks Rhine.

Dad and I went out and sat at the same tree Sunday that I killed my bird at Saturday. Heard some gobbling but was a ways off. We got up and moved and heard a gobble, got set up, and this bird came on a string. I called him up from about 100-150 yards away, and he was on us in under 5 minutes. He had about an 8 or 9 in. beard, beautiful turkey, just would never come in for a shot. Dad has till Thursday to hunt, hopefully he gets something!

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Good luck Rhine, hope you can find one so you dont' get stumped.

Opening day is just about here, heading for the mountains this evening after I finish packing. They are calling for a chance of scattered thunderstorms. Hopefully the weathermen have been wrong again and the weather will hold out for the morning (in PA we can only hunt until noon in the spring).

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Well...made it to my Dads Wed evening...God that 4 hour drive is begining to feel like 6!!!! I must be getting old!!! We have been out the last 2 mornings and the boys have been talking good in this part of PA. The weather may be the winner tomorrow? I have the whole week off so I'll give it heck. Gotta run and get ready for the races tonite. Good Luck

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Well the rain held off and it was a beautiful morning to be in the woods. However the birds didn't have too much to say. Started working one right when we got into the woods. About 45 minutes into it BOOM. Someone must have snuck in down the hill below us and at least got a shot at him. Kicked a hen up later on in the morning when we were walking. Hopefully things will calm down a little and they won't be skidish for the upcoming week.

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