Exturkinator's Possee.....Turkey Team #10

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I went out today around 2pm. I was just planning on going to my spot and making sure the recent wind and rain didnt blow my tree over or something. My spot is in the opposite corner of the feild and a big rise in the feild keeps me from being able to see it until I get there. Well I got to the top of the rise and poked my head over the hill and not 15 yards from my tree was a huge strutting gobbler. I watched him for about 20 minutes until some hens started yelping in the woods and he went where they were. He was deffenetly one of the big guys of the area. Season cant get here fast enough.


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Sounds promising Shane.

Thought for sure Saturday morning I was going to score, but did not happen. I think I must really stink at calling, because I am just not getting the birds to come to me. Got where I wanted to be before legal shooting light, the birds were talking up a storm, and I was right smack dab in the middle of them. Had 4 different gobblers sounding off to the crows and owls as it got light, I just sat there. Closest one was probably no more than 100 yards away, but it was not on my property. Was hearing 2 other birds on our property off about 150-175 yards away, thought for sure when a hen started talking about 75-80 yards in front of me that the gobblers would work their way towards me after they flew down. At around 6:30 I heard the last gobble I would hear that morning.:( Not sure if the birds are waiting for the hens to come to them before flying down or what, but never heard another gobble all weekend. Was extremely windy Saturday afternoon, never heard or saw anything.

Sunday morning overslept, our 2 year old ended up in the bed with us and kept me up most the night. Did end up walking and setting a few spots and doing some light calling, nothing, but on the way back did bump a bird out of a tree at 10:30, not 50 yards from where I had been sitting Saturday morning.:eek::o Sunday afternoon set up in a different spot close to the river that looks to have potential. Found a lot of tracks and some dropping but was not able to stay out as late as I wanted, this is where I will hunt the next afternoon I get a chance to. Was pretty windy Sunday too, kind of difficult to hear much in the woods, but never heard a single turkey.

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Well, I hunted Saturday through Monday in KY. The weather was nasty...windy, rainy, and even some sleet. My father and I made the quick trip down to spend some time together. We were able to get within 70yds of three different gobblers but we just couldn't seal the deal. Despite the uncooperative weather, we had a good time and did see some birds.

Our Ohio season opens this Monday. I am going to hunt a little before work and then I'm heading back to KY for another three day hunt with a friend. Hopefully the weather will be nice then!

Good luck to the rest of the gang!

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Well as far as gobbling activity goes, this morning was unbelieveable. My camera man and I counted 13 different birds sounding off this morning. We got in early and set up. At about 5:15am a guy walked in, we waved to him, he looked at us and went directly between us and the gobbling birds and set up. Then a bird gobbled behind us and we started calling to it. He responded a couple times then shut up. 15 minutes later he gobbled again from about 55 yards and we could then hear him spitting and drumming and he was getting closer. All of a sudden we see the guy that set up in front of us moving to set up on the bird and he spooked him, we never got a chance to shoot. Its amazing the ignorance of some people that will do that to another hunter. Even if i wanted to I couldnt mess someones hunt up like that or even cut them off when I know that they are right there. I mean this guy was about 50 yards directly behind my decoys. If a bird came into my dekes I couldnt shoot cause that guy was in the way. Anyways, I will be going out again to Ohio on wednesday and friday, then again on sunday in hopes to nail a bird. The Pa season starts here on sat Apr 26. Hopefully I can tag one and get some points on the board for us.

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This post is a little late. I wanted to wait until I had a picture to go with the story.


Got out to the set-up right on time, things were looking good. I walked my grandpa to his spot then headed a little further to mine. Got my 2 hen decoys out in the feild and I sat against the same tree I have for 5 years strait now. After a little wile the birds started yelping then the gobblers started going off. I counted 8 in the direct area. They gobbled for a good while then I could hear them start to fly down into the feild. I wasnt able to get a visual on any of them but knew they had to be close to my grandpa. BOOOM! One shot from my grandpa left me confident that he had made the shot count. The time was 5:55am when he fired. After the gobbleing went on 5 hens flew into the feild about 400 yards away. They fed around for a while and made their way over the hill. The time is now 6:30am and some slight movement to my right has cought my attention. All the sudden a coyote takes off running at my decoys, grabs one, shakes it around, drops it, and runs off. A cool experience in itself. After a little more waiting a nice size jake drops into the feild about 60 yards away. So in my mind I decide that if he comes in im gonna let him have it. Well as I start to slowly raise my gun, a gobbler takes off running from right next to me, not 5 yards away. He must have come in behind me silently and was headed to the decoys. Well he ran straight away from me, out into the feild. So I brought my gun up on him, clicked the saftey off and pulled the trigger. He dropped and flopped around and final he fell into a big puddle from all the rain we got. So that explains why he looks so ragedy in the picture. He ended up being only about 22 pounds, 1'' hooks, and a 10'' beard. It was one of the coolest things for me to be able to walk over that hill with a turkey on my shoulder and see that my grandpa and best freind was just as succesful.

Mine is the one on the left, my grandpas is on the right:



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Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while...I've been turkey hunting! I bagged a gobbler on opening day in Ohio. I will post it soon. I then headed down with a friend and hunted for a few days in Kentucky with no luck there. It's good to see others on our team with springtime success!

Have fun out there!


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Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while...I've been turkey hunting! I bagged a gobbler on opening day in Ohio. I will post it soon. I then headed down with a friend and hunted for a few days in Kentucky with no luck there. It's good to see others on our team with springtime success!

Have fun out there!


Where at in Ohio? I was over there opening day as well.

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