Team LimbHanger....Turkey Team #13

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Yeah..what stinks is I will miss the first two days of turkey season because of college - Thursday and least the private land I hunt isn't usually hunter my many people other than me..maybe 1 or two guys come through once or something. But the state land over by my old boss' place has turkeys and I saw a bunch of huge tracks when I was there about a week or two ago, but unless I know exactly where the birds are, won't hunt that unless on a weekday because of other people. Oh well, can't wait till the season starts!

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hey just wondering what you guys are using to take down your birds this year

I will start off by using a bow until shotgun opens. Then its time for the smokepole a Knight TK 2000 unless its wet out or looking like rain then its a SBE with a Gobblin Thunder choke.

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I hunt public land almost exclusively. My county is about 70% national or state forest so finding a good spot isn't to difficult.

Things did get a little tight last year when I arrived one day to find vehicles parked in all of my favorite spots, but I ended up hunting a spot I had never hunted before and tagged an older bird with a 10 inch beard and 1 3/8ths inch spurs.

In the last 4 years I have gotten 3 birds, none under 19 lbs and all with at least a 10" beard and 1" spurs. The one year I didn't get a bird was a really bad year for the entire area.Nobody was seeing birds and I only know of one guy who killed a mature tom.

With more free time to hunt this year I am really pumped and looking forward to hitting the woods.

Here are a few pics of my public land bird from last year.




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Nice bird Camoguy... I've been fortunate to take a jake, a 19#, a 21#, a 25#, and a 28 pounder over that last few years in Ohio... also took a few down in florida but won't be going down since my buddy got rid of his lease a couple years ago. I haven't seen many around here this year but there's still for them to move in before turkey season.

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Thanks guys. I was pretty pumped considering it was public land and it was my first bird with spurs over 1".

Hey Whisky, what part of OH? I lived in Erie County, PA for 9 years. Some of the best turkey hunting I have ever seen there. I have also hunted NC, TN and VA and have an invite to go to Cadiz, KY and hunt a big farm there if I can ever get away from school. :rolleyes:

I was friends with the family that makes Troyer Farms potato chips and had permission to hunt all of their farms (about 10,000 acres total). The farm I hunted the most was about 800 acres in size and right across the road from my house. On opening morning of my last year there I sat in the same spot and counted 13 different birds gobbling all around me. I ended up nailing a 21# bird with a 11.5" beard and 7/8ths inch spurs.

EDIT: I wonder how long we are to wait on rad_112176 to show up? He hasn't posted on the forums since 02/05.

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Hey guys, I am rad_112176s brother, He has posted since then, he was also in the deer hunting contest. I do know he has been extremely busy with work lately and has not had much time to get on but I assure you that he knows he is on here.

thanks for letting us know... I seen that he was in the deer contest and participated, figured he'll show up sometime. :cool:

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Here is the story and pics i will enter him soon i got all the required pics

I took this bird on thursday morning and it is my first ever public land turkey and man was i excited. Someone beat me to my spot and i decided to try an area i had looked at previously just to see if i heard one. At 6:25 he rang out and i headed to him, he gobbled around 30 times on the limb and by 6:35 i had made my way to around 100 yards from his roost. At around 6:45 i gave two light tree yelps that yielded no response so after a few minutes i decided to do a flydown with my hat against my leg. I did that twice and before i could even tuck my hat in between my back and the tree i heard wings beating and hitting trees. i looked up to see this turkey on a bee line flying straight at me. He hit the ground at fifty yards and just strutted and gobbled left to right without coming any closer i lightly scratched in the leaves and he would look but wanted me to come to him. Well after 10 minutes or so of this four hens flewdown 25 yards to my left and they for once where my saving grace because slowly but surely the ol tom worked towards the hens as they scratched in the leaves. I had my hole picked out and as he entered it i called to stop him and let him have it. This was a monumental accomplishment to me because public land has been hard on me in the past. It was all over at 7:15 and i just sat down by him and took it all in. 10 3/4 beard, Spurs 1" and 3/4" weighed 21 pounds which is my heaviest turkey.[/size]



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