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Osok brought it on himself, as far as respect, you must earn it too!! Realtree has every right to control this forum any way they choose. Frankly, I looked at the MM sight, and I have no reason to go back after what I read in there. You are most certianly welcome here, as long as you comply to this forums ground rules, I know everyone here would agree!! if you guy's cant comply with them, then I guess this is not the place for you. Onieda

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Moosie, what the heck do you do for a living to afford all these hunts and full mounts? Those things aren't cheap and it looks like to me you've got a lot of them. You've killed more trophies at the age of 30 than a buddy of mine has got and he's done alot of big game hunts and he's 53. I won't even take a picture of my trophy WALL! LMBO Great pictures and trophies, Bud! wink.gif

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First Iwant to say, welcome...You indeed have not crossed any lines or caused any trouble.

But to say no one, including myself can link you to anything concerning what happened to OSOK and the reason you came over here is a bit of a stretch on your part.


DeerKing (1716 posts)

Dec-19-03, 04:01 PM (MST)

3. "RE: Confession"

I think all them guys over at the Realtree website are hoping for Jackie Bushman dolls in their stockings.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was taken from the MM board in the Post that OSOK himself started after being in here.

So if you want a little more respect from me, you will have to at least be a bit more honest in your responce to people here.

You guys are obvoiously hard core, passionate and great hunters and have a lot to share with this board...and you are very welcome to. I'm sure some of you came out of curiousity as well.

I realize you didn't say anything more than that, but you did come here with your friends.

I personally would rather be your friend and get to know you a bit more, than just another Mod trying to keep the peace.

So please stop with the "I'm so innocent" headgames OK and lets bury this ol' rusty hatchet.

I'm not trying to start anything with you and I would hope that others in this forum would please refrain from any comments on your post from MM. Besides, Jackie Bushman is a whole other forum anyways ...LMBO. People say things sometimes, just to say things and they don't mean squat...right

I want nothing more than to put this whole thing to rest and You are welcome to the realtree forums.

If you think I owe you an apology for something, then lets talk ... [email protected] wink.gif

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Welcome to the forums, Moosie. I haven't been on the forums for a while, and I don't do much posting, but I took some time to read through all this MM stuff.

Moosie, from your posts it seems like you're a pretty funny guy who likes to have a good time. Judging from the pictures you've posted, you are probably a pretty good hunter and at the very least an excellent hiker/climber.

However, the handstand over the dead buck is lame. When I was 10 years old, I might have thought it was cool. Right now I find it down right disrespectful.

I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with you, so please tell me that you respect your prey in some way. Doing handstands over dead animals does not strike me as being very reverent.

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Your "On Top of the world" picture was AWESOME! What elevation was that taken at?

The climbing aspect of hunting out West is one of my favorite parts of hunting there.........Sick Ha! laugh.gif

When I was younger (I am on the far side of 30 now) I lived to hike, backpack and rock climb. Now that I am older hunting out West gives me the incentive I need to stay in shape. And the excuse to hike, climb, backpack and hunt all in the same trip. If I did not Worout through out the year, especially cardio and legs.......the elevation alone would kill me LOL grin.gif

Do you use a regular or digital camera? If is is a regular one you must spend a small fortune on getting all those great pics developed!

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Gotta say, Moosie, You've got some pretty good points of view.

You guys definately did get raked over the coals in the past few days but it had a lot to do with a few of the posts from the other board. A lot of the guys on here (myself included) probably only read a couple of the posts from the other board and based our opinions on all the new guys from that. Not really fair but that's how it goes.

But you guys definately have a lot to offer from a different perspective and have tried to make things right.

Moosie, those pics you've got are awesome!

I may be going on a Moose hunt this Fall or next Fall. Not sure when or if it's gonna happen. What caliber rifle did you use for the Moose?

Welcome guys. Pull up a rock and lets knock the froth off a couple.

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Moosie, you are right. I don't mind being lumped in with the "ethical" crowd. Just don't go too far with your generalizations. From what I've read, there has been way too much generalizing going on in these forums in the past couple of days.

I don't "worship" the animal; I respect it. You can still respect an animal and kill it. I am not ashamed to admit I feel at least some degree of remorse every time I take an animal's life. I have hunted with a camera, but I am not a very good photographer and you can't eat photos. Don't throw that "hunt with a camera" BS at me - you and I both know there just ain't the same thrill in it. I also hunt to bring something home; however, I can appreciate a great hunt even when I fail to kill something.

For the record:

I am indifferent about people running deer with dogs. I like dogs.

A pretty thing like you should be able to bait her hook with whatever she wants.

I use a GPS and I plan to buy a rangefinder next year.

When I am in a picture with a dead animal, it is because I have an ego (like anyone else) and also to give the picture some reference and composition. The animal is the focus of the picture.

Even though you don't want to admit it, it seems to me you have some respect for the animal. You respect the animal's life enough to take care of the meat (which would not be a small undertaking judging from your photos), even if you don't plan to eat all of the meat yourself. If you had absolutely no respect for the animal, then you might be part of that "Large Group" that likes to kill animals and only take home the head, or leaves the whole body to rot if the horns don't measure up.

It is obvious that my little post will not change your mind about doing handstands over dead deer. You go on doing your handstands - I might say a little prayer of thanks. Forgive me if I don't post any photos of me saying a quick prayer over a dead animal.

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Bears? Did I here some one mention Bears wink.gif I LOVE bear hunting. Here in PA our season is only 3 days long frown.gif We are not allowed to bait and the places where they live are to thick for spot and stalk style hunting. Basically.......if you cam see more than 10 feet and walk through the area easily...there are no bear s there LOL. Any way, we put on organized drives through some steep, rocky, nasty stuff. The guys I hunt with are great at this. Averaging 2-6 bears a year. Here is a picture of me with 2 of the three bears we took this past November. The big bear is a 400 pounder , the small one was a 200 pounder. There were 3 bears that came out of PA this year that went over 800 pounds!!! grin.gif Now THAT would be a tough drag LOL. There were also a bunch of 700,600 and 500 pounders. Every bear must be taken to a check station within 24 hours of harvesting so that it can be weighed and have a tooth taken for aging. That is the only reason we know what the real weights are. If it were not for that I'd have sworn the 400 pounder we got was 600 pounds after dragging the big block head out of the ****** hole were we got him LOL.


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Also, Sxotty Luck, If you haven't picked a Moose hunt yet Lemme Offer ya 2 sugestions. 1. Idaho, It's a HARD HARD tag to draw, but there is alot of Moose, Here is a Picture of a Buddies moose he got this yeart. Not too Shabby at 42"

Also, I went with an Outfit in AK for a Semi guided hunt. It was $3,500 but FAR below any opther outfit and They treated us RIGHT. I can Hook ya up if you want. It was a Moose/bou combo. We Botched the Bou hunt, but sometimes Ya can't win them all wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the offer Moosie but I won't be able to swing the cash for those trips. We were gonna do something in the Northeast. Driving distance saves a few bucks. What caliber did you use for the Moose?

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Man did I miss out on some fun while I was off-line, lol.

Welcome to the new guys.

I'm glad to see that most of the problems in the beginning of this post have been worked out.

You new guys seem to have a lot to offer our little camp away from reality and some good humor as well. As long as you keep it clean, you'll do great here at ol'

You'll have to forgive us mods from time-to-time. We deal with so many troublemakers that we get a skeptical about new folks and that really isn't fair but stuff happens and when we're wrong we fess up.

I look forward to your future posts.

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Some guys can get away with the humour and some guys can't you said timing is everything.

Looks like your having fun with the ducks. It's nice to see some wood-ducks in the mix. I miss seeing those beautiful ducks.

Where I was born and raised back east (Niagara Falls, Ontario) we used to go walking woodland creeks and jump shoot the woodies. Lots of fun and a whole lot different than field hunting.

Christmas way man, you'll have to wait till next year now...LOL

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Guest DesertTrophyHunts



I hope that the other members that have slammed some new members, namely MM guys will read your last post. I have a ton of respect for someone that does what you just did, I only hope that some of the other guys can follow your lead. I hope you have a great new year.


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Guest Crazyaboutcoues


Sorry about that Norm I was out "hunting". We had a Coues deer hunt in AZ. We didn't find the one we were looking for. Oh well maybe next year. grin.gif

My last hunt for 2003 starts 1/10/04. I'll be hunting Coues deer with my bow in NM.

Having a blast grin.gif

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