Spring Break hunts?????


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Ok so everyone goes to Florida, Mexico, well....wherever girls gone wild is hosted and beer is served for spring break:D. Well that is not for me.......just going to the location itself anyway.:rolleyes::p

So what and where can a guy book a hunt for the third week in March. Any black bear hunts that early? I know you can hunt hog, so what is the best place for that? Any recommendations? What about buffalo? So lets hear of any game to hunt!:cool:

Oh and no exotic stuff. ;)

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Yeah I seen the buffalo hunt, but aren't they high fenced/penned buffalo? Yet are on thousands of acre ranches?

In '04 I went to Montana and shot a buffalo! It was out roaming on over 22,000 acres in this valley! Yes, there were fences, but after we drove and drove, to where the rancher hoped to see some, we finally did spot a herd about 3/4 of a mile away!

Did I have to hoof it to get to them? No, after a bit about 35 of them broke off from the main herd and headed our direction!

We shot 2 of them out of this bunch!

It really wasn't much of a "hunt", but we sure worked our butts off once they hit the ground! No "ground shrinkage" on those critters!

As for eating, it is, in my opinion, the best meat you can find!

Would I do it again? No, because I can't physically do something like that again!

I just ordered a half of buffalo from a ranch in Oregon and it is going to be slaughtered next Monday! Hang for about a week or 10 days, cut and wrapped and we can pick it up! Now I can handle that! LOL!!

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.......Hey...you could come up here...call some coyote,ice fish, and watch my kids for a day...?!:)

.......Shovel snow?:D-

:I'm just kidding - I admire your attitude, sincerity, and work ethic........if I were you, I would take these guys' advice, and definitely look into the buffalo hunt.-Keep up the good work, and your mindset.

- I admire you for not falling for the typical spring break fling.

-Happy hunting-

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Well, there's always small game year round here. We got a spring snow goose only season, but I'm not sure when it starts (I never partake). Bear doesn't open until mid-april. But if you find a wild boar (not an easy task, as there is only a few scattered groups that escaped from a few wild boar farms) you can kill them any time....

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Turkey season opens in Alabama, Mississippi (Easterns) and parts of southern Texas (Rios) on March 15th too. Of course like others said there's always Florida to try to bag an Osceola. If you're looking to get the grand slam there's your chance to try to bag a Rio or an Osceola.

There ought to be a number of places to hunt hogs in Texas. It wouldn't surprise me if you could find a place that offers the opportunity to hunt both Rios and pigs.

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