Getting Sickening!


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This bickering between these two groups on the forums is getting sickening, OTPG and SCOPE. I for one am not a part of any of them. Now it seems that things are spilling over into archery. Asking questions about whether or not you max out your bow! This is ridiculous!

This is not helping our cause! We are all hunters aiming to the same goal! The anti's love to see us arguing among each other. Because they know getting us separated among the ranks is the key to their agenda!

Can we stop this now? I personally don't give a DARN what you use! As long as your legal within the state you HUNT in!

I love this place a lot! I check in every day, but people are getting PM's and I don't mean nice one's either! Let's stop this nonsense now and ACT like the ADULTS we are!

I know for a fact that I am not the only one that feels this way!!!

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You know how you stop it, start banning guys for a few days. every now and then has to lay down the law and it does help.

I pay no attention to either group but start banning and you will see new attitudes!! Guarantee guys will change their tune if they get some time off!!

Banning?? Banning?? :eek::D Oh how I LOVE a good banning!! As you can tell from my signature!! J/K :D

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are you serious??:confused::confused::confused: i have never noticed anything more than some good ribbing between some forum friends when it comes to these to groups:confused: anyone that would take it further than that might have a problem but the regulars that have a good time kidding each other don't deserve to be looked down upon like that.i have made posts joking about the OTPsisterhood but they know it was all in gest

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Banning?? Banning?? :eek::D Oh how I LOVE a good banning!! As you can tell from my signature!! J/K :D

Gotta break a few eggs to make a good omellete! :D I don't even follow any of those groups but a good banning sounds good don't it!

If my buddy John is ticked something needs to be addressed but man a good old fashion banning would be fun to watch! :D

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Guest Andrea
maybe i'm off base, but i thought it was 99% in fun. maybe it's my joking nature, but i really didn't see any hard conflicts there. now, if you do have to do any banning, can we do some flogging, too??? lol

Flogging, lmao.:D:D:D:D Aye aye!!! First they must swab the deck.:eek:;)

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Can we ban Ohiobucks just for the sake of banning??!! :D

I'm gonna ban myself and save you guys the trouble.....:rolleyes::D :D

There's a handful of folks on both sides that are too serious about the whole topic, which is silly IMHO.

Then let's start a public list of all these individuals, weather a "minimalist or non-minimalist", so they/we can identify how others perceive them/us. This way, if they/we know that others think that they/we are huge DB's, they/we can start to come together on this one and take appropriate steps to cut the endless flow of "how big is your gun?" nonsense. Then pigs will start flying...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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IF I can offer my opinion on this without getting shot...LOL

I think the OTPG is a fine big gun club, and it should stay that why. They have a great time with their big cal. weapons get-togethers, and have the T-shirts to prove it. :D But that's where it should end IMHO. Us so-called SCOPERS don't need a club, or a name other than "hunters". I'm not even sure how the rest of us got that name.

We start making all these little clubs, and ribbing each other the wrong way at times, and it turns into a gang type mentality. (again, JMO)

I've had a bit of fun with it myself, just to lighten the air at times, but I can see where some might be a bit offended by the ribbing.

I say we disband our SCOPERS club, never to be classified again :D and let the OTPG have there Big Gun Blast Offs.


What say ye mean fellow hunters ;)

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IF I can offer my opinion on this without getting shot...LOL

I think the OTPG is a fine big gun club, and it should stay that why. They have a great time with their big cal. weapons get-togethers, and have the T-shirts to prove it. :D But that where it should end IMHO. Us so-called SCOPERS don't need a club, or a name other than "hunters".

We start making all these little clubs, and ribbing each other the wrong way at times, and it turns into a gang type mentality. (again, JMO)

I've had a bit of fun with it myself, just to lighten the air at times, but I can see where some might be a bit offended by the ribbing.

ai say we disband our SCOPERS club, never to be classified again :D and let the OTPG have there Big Gun Blast Offs.


What say ye mean fellow hunters ;)

Steve, I followed both sides a little. I then stayed away because I could see sooner or later that conflict would have happened. I like to shoot big bores, I just don't own any! I really wanted to see these guys this past fall at Strut's place, I just couldn't make the trip! :p I have my money tied up in other things! ;)

I just see this separating the hunters! I am not condemning any side here! I like to joke around like the next guy! But I don't want to see anybody leave the forums because of some silly little feud that got out of hand! It seems like it started in some threads and people PM'ing each other. It just plain STUPID for us to act this way. You know all the tree huggers and anti's are loving this up too!

Lets get this place back to where is was before this all happened! Start over!!!

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