Spring Plots

Guest ncwhiteoak

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Guest ncwhiteoak

What is everyone going to plant this spring in your plots? I'm getting ready to get some clover seed in the ground so it can start to get established before the heat gets here.

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Guest ncwhiteoak

Do you think oats would be better to plant in the spring then and the clover in the fall?..i thought that it would be good to get the clover established so it would be a healthy plot by the fall

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I'm doing about a 50/50 mix of clover and chicory in April.I've already got the ground ready and plan on spraying round up about 2 weeks before I plant and then just broadcasting and rolling the seed in.I'm going to pick up some Poast to spray as soon as I start seeing weeds and plan on mowing every month,so hopefully the weeds will stay under control.I'm also going to plant a mix of beans and milo.

I would say it depends on your location as to planting dates for clover.In the south, a fall planting would be better,and in the north a spring planting would be best from what I've read.I'm kind of in the middle and can plant either time.

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