I love the Vegas Round


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I've only shot this round 4 times ever, and the last three times have been in competition this year. I am in BHFS, while gap-shooting with two red pins and three weeks ago I shot a 298-17x. Then this weekend I shot BHFS again and managed a 297-18x.....it felt pretty good, so I bumped up a class to FS with the same equipment and shot a 299-17x. I know it's not Las Vegas caliber tension and pressure, but I'm still tickled pink.

So now I know the 5-spot target is all in my head, because I have always been a high 40's low 50's x-shooter, and after shooting these Vegas rounds, I realize I can do much better. I just seem to concentrate harder on Vegas than a 5-spot....and I guess I always knew I blew lots of x-s due to concentration. I'm just gonna have to buckle down a little harder on the 5-spot:D mean while my goal is to shoot a 300 vegas score and hopefully cross into the 20x+ before summer hits.

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Congrats!!!! That is some good shooting!!! I hear that alot, people can concentrate better on the vegas than the 5 spot. I'm completely opposite, I concentrate better on the 5 spot round.

Just remember to let that pin float on the 5 spot round and let the shot happen and you will see your X count shoot up!!!

Congrats once again and let us know how your shooting goes.

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Thanks guys. This year I've switched to gap shooting, or what some might call "bracketing". When I used to shoot one pin, I found myself having a hard time holding in the vicinity of the x...even floating. My subconscious just seemed to want to pull out of there so I could see the x, I guess......now gapping allows me the ability to see the x and still concentrate on the shot. I've really been happy with the results so far. And I'm a trigger banger to boot....wish I could muster the courage to try back tension, but I don't think I have the patience to learn it.

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thats good shooting Clay. maybe you need to head to Vegas some year and try your luck.:D i also like the Vegas round a lot. i just seem to concentrate better on the center of the yellow.

it takes a lot of discipline to learn Bt on a index finger release, but it can be done. i find i like the hand held releases much better. im sure Ultratec1 can give you a few tips to help you out. hes been working on that type of release for about 4 years now.


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I will definitely be coming to you guys for advice as I get more serious about my spot shooting. Tony, some good frineds of mine have been going to Vegas for a couple of years now, and I think I am gonna look at going maybe next year. The experience would be fantastic.

We just got back from a week vacation down in Tennessee (came through your neck of the woods Tony), so I thought I would check if the results were posted from the past two tourneys....

My first comp-vegas 298-17x garnered a 1st place in BHFS:)

I'm still waiting to see how my last two scores faired at the next tourney......

On another note, a feable spot round managed a 3rd place finish, and one of my best efforts in 3d for a couple of years got me a 2nd place. Been shooting really well this year, I just need to pick up my practices and peak at the State Indoor in a couple of weeks.

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