Winchester X-tended range....choke tubes


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the box says "the winchester x-tended range shot is uniformly round and softer than lead so you can use it with your favorite choke tube"....... am i to understand that i can use these shells with my favorite M.A.D. choke..... if im correct the only reason new choke tubes are needed for the hevi-shot type loads is because they are to hard for the older choke i reading the box correctly......

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Actually some after market chokes do better with lead loads than the factory chokes.

Better patterns with Hevi-shot is probably the primary reason folks buy after market chokes now a days. But it is not the ONLY reason.

Some chokes actually are designed to pattern steel better. Waterfowl chokes for big pellet steel are the next big thing.

Not all lead, Heavys or steel loads are created equal. Some Heavy loads really like to be squeezed and some perform terribly if you do that. Likewise some lead loads like to get squeezed really hard too BUT only in specific shotguns. Most factory chokes aren't designed to handle squeezing steel. Some of the new aftermarket chokes can.

In short, what the Winchester note means is you can use that stuff with any choke that came with your shotgun.

But trust me, the right after market choke and load combination can make a huge difference in how dense a pattern your gun throws. It's not just Heavys.

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my MAD choke is an after market choke....the best in my opinion....but came out before the hevi-shot type loads....just making sure i can use these shells with a tube that says lead only.....but the winchesters are supposed to be softer so in essence i can use them with this choke.

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