What ever happened to good help...


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Well I can sure answer this one. It all went to the toilet. I mean Horse Biscuits. I have delt with people coming to me wanting to work and after the first day...That's it...

How Hard Is It To Drive A Tractor...

Heck it has AC, Am-Fm Stereo, Air Seat and all the hours you want.

People now days don't want to work all they want is the Money...

I am so sick of dealing with lazy folks that I just as soon do the work myself...

No wonder I'm Grumpy all the time...

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I had a guy come in and work. I had him Harrowing Fields. Started him out at 7 dollars an hour. All he has to do is drive and drag the fields. I even gave him a hour lunch...

Anyway, I get a call from him yesterday telling me that he couldn't handle it.

Oh, here's the good part...

This guy is 46 yrs. old, has a wife and 2 kids...


What's this world coming to...

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I had a guy come in and work. I had him Harrowing Fields. Started him out at 7 dollars an hour. All he has to do is drive and drag the fields. I even gave him a hour lunch...

Anyway, I get a call from him yesterday telling me that he couldn't handle it.

Oh, here's the good part...

This guy is 46 yrs. old, has a wife and 2 kids...


What's this world coming to...

c'mon....old man.....7 bucks an hour???? sheesh! :D

Could not handle it, yeah really sheeesh.:p With a wife and 2 kids, maybe he needed a little more than $7 an hour.

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I know what your saying, I used to hire a guy to off bear at the end of a gang rip saw. This is when I owned a pallet shop, I would start them at 6 per hour, and If they showed up the next day I'd make it 7 per hour. Not alot showed up the next day. LOL It was terrible tough work, but it was work and these were young guys.

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Heck, I don't have a wife and I'd still do it!!!!!!

Now something I didn't think of is the wear and tear that may put on your body, since most tractors ain't all that smooth of a ride, especially over fields like these are, older feller like that may not be able to handle it, heck, I may not be able to!!!!!

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I wouldnt put anyone on my equipment, with the cost of parts and labor, one wrong move and you have a heck of a repair bill..not to mention the guy has to be paid on top of it.I do my own field work too, otherwise you gotta show them how you want it done..faster to do it myself, and its done right. The guy said it was too rough for a 46 year old? WHAT A WOOSE!!!

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Most of society today is nothing but a bunch of greedy fools! They don't want to work! All they do is come to you with their hand out!

When I was in construction, I ran into the same thing! The only time they would speed up was on their way to get the check!

I was paying way over minimum wages too! It doesn't make any difference!


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first, there's nothing i'd do for 7 bucks an hour. but, the folks today do not want work, they only want money. the work ethic is gone. there is a reason the 46 year old guy was looking for work. he doesn't want to work.

now, if he did stick around and put in a 40 hour week, he makes $280.00 per week. could you live on $1120.00 per months. you know, eat, make a truck payment, rent a place, and maybe put 5% away for your kids college? i can't. and, 25 years ago, i still couldn't. it's been 5 years since i've started anyone under 15 bucks an hour. it's not how hard a person works, or what he drives, it's the dollars at the end of the month to take care of his family. imho

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Guys the area Dale is in there is no other work and without driving a ways your not gonna find better pay. Dale I'm assuming this is $7 an hour cash money which people shouldn't complain about cause that is like making $9 and taxes being taken out............I agree though Dale good help is hard to find. We have some drivers that think they should be paid to sweep out their trailer. That is part of their job......if they don't sweep it the places won't give them a load and they won't get any miles....................then I fire them and move to the next one.

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I know 7 bucks an hour isn't much, but it's better than 0 per hour. If a person is out of work, that may be a good stop gap until he can find something with better pay. That doesn't mean he shouldn't put out a good effort in the meantime; a work ethic or lack thereof is something that follows you around, especially in a small community.

I used to hire temporary help to haul hay. My wife would drive the tractor and the hired hand and I would throw bales on the wagon and stack it. Had one fellow show up the first (and only) day in a t-shirt, shorts, and flipflops. He told me he was going to drive the tractor. Didn't happen.:rolleyes:

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Hey Dale, I know what you mean. When I owned the Feed Store I would Pay 7 dollars an hour CASH and work right along side the person and not have them do anything that I wasn't doing. I rarely had anyone last more than two days and if they did last they only lasted about a week. That was one of the main reasons that I got out of business for myself. I just was killing myself 24-7 because I couldn't find any help.

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People are just lazy these days. I remember in high school cleaning out a laying house for $100. It had two rows of chicken poop 3' wide 6" deep and 120 yards long. I used a flat nose shovel and wheel barrow.:eek:

It was a lot more work then I thought it would be, but my dad told me I agreed to the terms and I was finishing the job. Ended up taking me almost 2 weeks. I'm glad my dad raised me like that and I hope to pass that work ethic down to my kids.

Maybe you were being to harsh on the guy. Were you letting him drink his beer and smoke his crack pipe in the tactor?

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....Yes, that guy should have been more responsible and not left him in a glitch.

That guy knew what the arrangement was in the beginning.

......Even temporary work; you make an agreement, and follow through with your word.

........He couldn't hack it??!!!?

...That's the part that got me.

-wonder if he came up here and ran frozen herring through the chopper, stuffed bait jars, and hauled 600 pound pots 20 hrs in a day....while trying to keep on your feet in 18 foot seas........ would he break down, and sob like a baby.??!

....Minimun wage is $7.50 here...but I agree with a lot of you all....if you don't have a job, and especially get paid cash...that is a golden opportunity to put food on the table.

Some people never cease to amaze me.

...if I were closer....I'd come help you out, too!-for FREE!

...Just because you're a nice guy, and I miss my grandpa's tractor.

..........Hope things look up,soon....

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