aksheephuntress Posted March 16, 2008 Report Share Posted March 16, 2008 $7 an hour in a tractor is a heck of a lot more than $0 an hour sitting on your butt. ....Yep, that's basically what I was trying to say... ..but, I believe Canuck said it first. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davetucker Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Heck, I don't have a wife and I'd still do it O.k.lets trade your good paying job for this min wage job!!He quit cause in my opinion he could get more off the system!!If you think about it 7bucks an hour x 40 thats a measly 280 before taxes and after probably not even 2 bills!!2 bills x 4 wks=8bills,you got rent for a family of 4 5 bills that leaves 3 bills for food,lights,cable,gas,fuel.Know wonder the rich are getting richer while the poor workin folks work hard and live like bums!!So know he gets welfare for them and two kids which is what he'd make working like a dog(i don't care if it's in a tractor or not equipment operator isn't all that you think it is)i do it every day and let me tell ya it sucks!!I'd much rather be out doing a real man's job but it only pays the real man bum wages!!When i get 25bucks an hour!! Sorry for soundin like a jerk but theres a big problem in this country with rich people getting richer and the poor hard workin laborer getting poorer!!!Let all the laborers get done for 2wks and see what happens to this country!!all these college graduates who make up the laws need to start thinking harder on how to get this country out of the slump it's in instead of how to make the corporate world richer!! I for one know how it is to find good help also!!We had a board meeting a couple yrs ago and decided it was hard tofind good help!!Construction work is hard and alot of people don't want to do it!!Well we came up with a planand it worked!!We were paying alot of money to employment agencies and for work seminars,and training ect....!!So we decided we would experiment with paying more than the min(goin rate)and maybe we could keep our employees!!Well let me tell ya it worked!!Now a laborer gets a starting pay of 15 an hr!!And let me tell ya we found some darn good workers who like to work,because they get what they're worth and can lead a decent life!!That not only save us from training and payin alot in employment agencies but we know have a better work group and safety record and we can bid cheaper on jobs and do it more efficently cause of the experience our crew brings!! So sorry for sounding like a jerk but i toknow first hand on this subject!!So really think about it,if you had a family to suport would you starve for an hr or would you sit home and get the same pay and oh ya know you get medical coverage for youlittle ones (the farmer doesn't offer)and you can get some food stamps that you couldn't get if you were working!!So really look at it bith ways i know i would go for the one that best provided for my children and made sure they lived adecent life!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 first, there's nothing i'd do for 7 bucks an hour. but, the folks today do not want work, they only want money. the work ethic is gone. there is a reason the 46 year old guy was looking for work. he doesn't want to work. now, if he did stick around and put in a 40 hour week, he makes $280.00 per week. could you live on $1120.00 per months. you know, eat, make a truck payment, rent a place, and maybe put 5% away for your kids college? i can't. and, 25 years ago, i still couldn't. it's been 5 years since i've started anyone under 15 bucks an hour. it's not how hard a person works, or what he drives, it's the dollars at the end of the month to take care of his family. imho Yep, another thing to look at is if the guys wife worked also at a low paying job as well, and he had to put those 2 kids in daycare, how much was he really making. Daycare can be ridiculous, average around here is $85-$100 a kid, he would not be making much of anything after paying out so he could be able to work if that was the case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brownie65 Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 I have to agree with Dave here. Lots of people don't work because they can sit at home & be better off while me & a bunch of guys that do work & pay taxes & pay for them to do nothing. The government needs to make several changes. Now I am not against a guy/family getting a little help, if they are disabled or something & unable to work or some kind of circumstance that prevents them from working I can kind of see it. Now the able body people that don't work because they are better off with the govt/taxpayers taking care of them, something needs to be done in this situation. I will say one thing that is wrong. The govt calls out our people that are in the Guard/Reserves, take them away from decent paying jobs that are paying their bills. Now they don't make enough to cover their mortgages so they are getting in major trouble & losing their house. This is a shame. The Armed Forces do not make enough money in my opinion. Yes, I am ex- Army. We were underpaid when I was in. Another thing that burns me up is the soldiers that get wounded & when they get home they are treated for awhile, then basically thrown out the door. If a soldier gets injured, loses a limb in the line of duty, that person shouldn't have a financial worry for the rest of their life. I am not saying give them millions but they should be taken care of for life for putting their life on the line. Oh well, enough ranting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gator Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 O.k.lets trade your good paying job for this min wage job!!He quit cause in my opinion he could get more off the system!!If you think about it 7bucks an hour x 40 thats a measly 280 before taxes and after probably not even 2 bills!!2 bills x 4 wks=8bills,you got rent for a family of 4 5 bills that leaves 3 bills for food,lights,cable,gas,fuel.Know wonder the rich are getting richer while the poor workin folks work hard and live like bums!!So know he gets welfare for them and two kids which is what he'd make working like a dog(i don't care if it's in a tractor or not equipment operator isn't all that you think it is)i do it every day and let me tell ya it sucks!!I'd much rather be out doing a real man's job but it only pays the real man bum wages!!When i get 25bucks an hour!! Sorry for soundin like a jerk but theres a big problem in this country with rich people getting richer and the poor hard workin laborer getting poorer!!!Let all the laborers get done for 2wks and see what happens to this country!!all these college graduates who make up the laws need to start thinking harder on how to get this country out of the slump it's in instead of how to make the corporate world richer!! I for one know how it is to find good help also!!We had a board meeting a couple yrs ago and decided it was hard tofind good help!!Construction work is hard and alot of people don't want to do it!!Well we came up with a planand it worked!!We were paying alot of money to employment agencies and for work seminars,and training ect....!!So we decided we would experiment with paying more than the min(goin rate)and maybe we could keep our employees!!Well let me tell ya it worked!!Now a laborer gets a starting pay of 15 an hr!!And let me tell ya we found some darn good workers who like to work,because they get what they're worth and can lead a decent life!!That not only save us from training and payin alot in employment agencies but we know have a better work group and safety record and we can bid cheaper on jobs and do it more efficently cause of the experience our crew brings!! So sorry for sounding like a jerk but i toknow first hand on this subject!!So really think about it,if you had a family to suport would you starve for an hr or would you sit home and get the same pay and oh ya know you get medical coverage for youlittle ones (the farmer doesn't offer)and you can get some food stamps that you couldn't get if you were working!!So really look at it bith ways i know i would go for the one that best provided for my children and made sure they lived adecent life!! Any other day I'd rip you and your comment apart, but today I think I'll let you have a free pass:mad: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texan_Til_I_Die Posted March 17, 2008 Report Share Posted March 17, 2008 Aren't there any reliable high school / college age kids around that need the cash? That's who should be lining up to get those types of jobs. Not some 46 year old with a wife and 2 children! By the time a family bread winner (whether a man or woman) reaches that age, he/she should have some marketable skills and a career. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aksheephuntress Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 Any other day I'd rip you and your comment apart, but today I think I'll let you have a free pass:mad: ........Very diplomatically put,Gator.....you are justified to be put off by his comments..... -although, once again,this is a typical situation in which someone is posting their passionate opinion on a hypothetical reality that plagues our country right now.......I kind of cringed when I read Davet's post......but I really don't think he is directing this negatively toward you, and your hiring situation. BUT......Davet, I feel the elaborated content of your post could have been saved for a different thread,different time..... .....This thread has evolved into polarized views of: 1.People should get paid a decent enough wage to be able to make ends meet,and: 2.Anyone w/o a job should jump at this opportunity to make some cash to put food on the table today. ...BOTH are right!! -Heck, I recently (7 months ago) resigned from a USPS $22/hr job because, even with 3 kids in school, the 2 youngest were in daycare,costing $2,000/month!!!.....By me staying at home, homeschooling the kids, the whole family is happier, and I can properly run our B&B....but, that is just our situation....... ....THE THING we are forgetting here, IS: 1. Gator was paying CASH 2.Gator took the time to line this guy out on his equipment....and was spending fuel. 3. Gator was counting on this guy following through with this job.-The guy left Gator in a glitch. 4. Then Gator had to take time to find another guy, line HIM out....and, remember....all these different characters on the property.....would make you wonder about the ones that only showed up for a day to work......are they scoping the place out ,ending up taking something??(and,yes, it does happen in small towns where everyone knows everyone!)....heck:....it happens in this little fishing town, with 1 road out, and 1 road to the water! 5.Correct me if I am wrong......but this was a TEMPORARY job to begin with...and most importantly....IT IS ON A TIMEFRAME. ....I remember my grandfather and his farm in Springfield, Ill.-He had a huge U-pick strawberry farm, and corn, and dwarf apple trees....beans....and later on, albino catfish, trucked in from NC...and he operated it almost by himself, "Fred's U-fish Catfish".BOY I loved to go up and visit!!...BUT ...he relied on 2 guys that he finally found, that worked and stayed with him for years......it was very hard on my grandpa, until then.He almost worked himself to death. ......But it was a definite impression on me early on, by far, the hardest working guy out there was the farmer. 7 days a week... -and he HATED trusting just anyone -a temp-to come work for him. I can imagine the burden of that worry-intermixed with hope, and faith...to trust your million-dollar equipment,and barns, and property-and tools....to someone who shows up for just one day... ...The big thing that was wrong, here, is that guy leaving Gator in a lurch!-A 46 y/o guy knows SOMETHING about what he was going to be doing......he just has a work problem!-He should not of done that to Gator. A person should follow through with the job! Lastly.......and more pointedly.....this particular plowing job is on a TIMEFRAME. .....It's not like Gator can afford to start over with 3 or 4 guys who leave him in a lurch.....then finish this plowing 3 or 4 weeks late.......am I wrong?? ......Seems like my grandfather was always on a time frame; finishing one phase, dictated the next...everything at it's proper time. .I'm not a farming expert...but-seems to me, if you're late on one phase, it tends to undermine everything else!(Plus....by being late, doesn't it screw something up for turkey season??-just a curious guess...?) So: With that, I think Gator's dilemna and frustration can certainly be understood. NOTE:....I'VE JUST REALISED THAT I'VE MIXED UP GATOR AND GRIZ....BUT......WELL, I'M TOO TIRED TO GO BACK AND CORECT IT ALL.......I THINK YOU ALL CAN FIGURE IT OUT......AND, MY POINTS STILL HOLD WATER......THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO GATOR, OR A LOT OF US... -Hope you found some help, Griz.... :o:) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 I'd come and help ya for $5 an hour......... Only stipulation,.......Me, and your favorite bow stand (you know, the one you shoot all them big bucks out of) are going to get to know each other really well!! :D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ksbowhntr77 Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 I'd come and help ya for $5 an hour......... Only stipulation,.......Me, and your favorite bow stand (you know, the one you shoot all them big bucks out of) are going to get to know each other really well!! :D Griz.... I bet you can find two tractors to run but do you really want to give up two stands....... If the answer is yes to one or both....... well if I was in a different situation, I'd be there bud.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnf Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 Yep, another thing to look at is if the guys wife worked also at a low paying job as well, and he had to put those 2 kids in daycare, how much was he really making. Daycare can be ridiculous, average around here is $85-$100 a kid, he would not be making much of anything after paying out so he could be able to work if that was the case. Or chances are if he was that lazy, so was his wife and she's sitting at home collecting "a check", foodstamps and ssi for the kids. Don't know for sure, Griz could tell us, but the guy was probably getting paid in cash, so the $280 would probably more like $280 that X 4.3 would be $1204 a month. Could I live on that? No, but it would be a lot easier than $0. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davetucker Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 If anyone wants to rip apart my reply go ahead!!I have a right to my opinion and i for one am not going to agree with some just because they are a senior or they are a mod or have 15,000 post(means you got to much time on your hands)!!This is the part of this site i hate cause peple are to bent on rippin apart someone elses beliefs or opinion!!I never once made an angry face or told anyone i was gonna rip they're opinion apart!!Was just statin that $7 an hr is hardly anything!!Ya if a buddy needed a hand(like most of you are and did offer)i would help out and for $7 an hr!!But if my family buisness went under tomorrow and i was out of a job there is no way i would work for one of the many farmers in my community for that price that in my case would be degrading!!Like i said in my post before but it must of been overlooked i to know what it's like to find good help!!I was just trying to state what our company did to help fix the problem!!I to live in a small(population 4300 between 4 towns)farming(potatoes)community!There are alot of good people that have been raised here that are having hard times and are on the system and trying tolook for a job!!I have a good friend who's family was really poor growing up and have worked really hard all they're lives for farmers and have nothing and i have offered himposition after position for good money with our company!he did come try it out for a couple days but alot of our work is out of town all over maine and he couldn't be away from his family!!!Is he a dead beat for not wanting to better himself "no" and i will think nothing less of him!! I guess i'm rambling again but when someone tells me they're going to tear me apart it kinda gets my blood boilin!!I would never tell anyone that especially if i didn't know who they were!!Just respect i guess!!I'll keep my opinion to myself!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tominator Posted March 18, 2008 Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 I guess i'm rambling again but when someone tells me they're going to tear me apart it kinda gets my blood boilin!!I would never tell anyone that especially if i didn't know who they were!!Just respect i guess!!I'll keep my opinion to myself!! I'd implore everyone to settle down and comment about the subject at hand. If you want to start a new thread on the merits of high pay/low pay, value or over value of a college degree, food stamps/no food stamps, etc. start a new thread. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Griz Posted March 18, 2008 Author Report Share Posted March 18, 2008 Ok... Now that I am dryed off from all the rain here...Let me clear some of this up for ya... Yeah the guy is 46 yrs. old. His wife works. I found out... I just found out yesterday to that there 2 kids are married and gone. There home is paid for. He was raised on a farm. So using a Tractor and other Farm Equipment isn't a problem. As a matter of fact he worked here along time back and quit. For what reason...I don't no... Anyway. He said that he was wanting some work real bad. So the Boss said that he would start him out "AT" 7 dollars a hour cash... Now if he would have worked out I no he could have been able to move here on the ranch and get other benifits along with more pay... Which is a 3 bedroom House, 2 bath house. All Bills Paid. A Beef a year, Truck with all the gas and maybe making 10 per hour and plus any repairs on the house or truck are paid for... But he didn't...He lasted 2 days and never showed back up... All I had the guy doing is running a Harrow... It's not hard job, all you do is drive the fields breaking up cow pies. But it does get boring. When you are in a Tractor for 10/12 hours a day sitting...Yeah it does get old... But the way I see it... If the guy was really wanting to work that bad and was really needing the money... I would think he would have hung in there and gave it some time to see where it would take him... Who knows...A Steady Job... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tominator Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Anyway. He said that he was wanting some work real bad. So the Boss said that he would start him out "AT" 7 dollars a hour cash... Now if he would have worked out I no he could have been able to move here on the ranch and get other benifits along with more pay... Which is a 3 bedroom House, 2 bath house. All Bills Paid. A Beef a year, Truck with all the gas and maybe making 10 per hour and plus any repairs on the house or truck are paid for... Dale, I'll put my 2 weeks notice in tomorrow, and I'll be down in April. Sound good? Seriously, wow, that seems like a good deal. Heck, that cow a year sold me. lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnf Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Now I may be going out on a limb here. But if I remember my O.K. geography and demographics $10 an hour is pretty darned good pay for around there and $7 isn't horrible. So with a house, truck and $10 an hour he would have a fair bit more spending money than most of us college edgikated folk. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dubie Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Now, through in a free house, no bills, a truck with a never-ending gas-tank and an annual beef, I'll take the $7/hr....Should have mentioned that from the start, makes a whole lot of difference. I'll work 12 hour days on a ranch for that kind of deal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unioncountyslayer Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Griz, don't y'all have any Mexicans in Oklahoma? I mean, I generally start my amigos out just slightly higher per hour, and they'll work any white boy in the ground, including me. And if you're good to them, they're very loyal. You show them one time how to run a tractor and you'll never have to sit on it again unless you want to. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aksheephuntress Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 ..........This is getting interesting......!!:rolleyes::D HEY: How about Tominator,Dubie, and Johnf going down to work for Griz for 4 -hour shifts....Unioncounty Slayer can go down and be the foreman...Davet can be on call as union steward...and Randy could scout out the turkey for you all....... each of them could get paid $20/hr, including yourself...and get the whole endeaver covered by a government grant for a study in transitional-demographic-socio-pathil-eco-hunting-mental-awareness of the agricultural attributes of an Oklahoma kibbutz??! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RangerClay Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Dale, I'll put my 2 weeks notice in tomorrow, and I'll be down in April. Sound good? Seriously, wow, that seems like a good deal. Heck, that cow a year sold me. lol. If Chris doesn't work out just give me a call. :D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Dale, I'll put my 2 weeks notice in tomorrow, and I'll be down in April. Sound good? Seriously, wow, that seems like a good deal. Heck, that cow a year sold me. lol. If Chris doesn't work out just give me a call. :DHey!! Back off guys!! I put in the lowest bid first!!! :p You get my butt on a tractor again and I ain't getting off till Bowseason!! :D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wtnhunt Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Now, through in a free house, no bills, a truck with a never-ending gas-tank and an annual beef, I'll take the $7/hr....Should have mentioned that from the start, makes a whole lot of difference. I'll work 12 hour days on a ranch for that kind of deal. Yeah those details there make a bit of a difference. I would come to work for you on a deal like that too Dale. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Finn Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 Which is a 3 bedroom House, 2 bath house. All Bills Paid. A Beef a year, Truck with all the gas and maybe making 10 per hour and plus any repairs on the house or truck are paid for... WOW.....is there any hunting included in the benefit package? Heck, I'm not as greedy as those above who want your stand, I'll take any stand. I've got 3 years til Casey is out of HS....hope this opportunity is still around in 2011 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randy Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 WOW.....is there any hunting included in the benefit package? Heck, I'm not as greedy as those above who want your stand, I'll take any stand. I've got 3 years til Casey is out of HS....hope this opportunity is still around in 2011 Griz, you need to tell these guys to just forget it. I had the lowest bid, I worked on a farm for quite a few years, and I'm A LOT YOUNGER (:p)so I can be trained more easily to the way YOU want it done!! These old codgers are probably all set in their ways and there's not enough daylight to waste trying to train them!! :D:D:D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
johnf Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 ..........This is getting interesting......!!:rolleyes::D HEY: How about Tominator,Dubie, and Johnf going down to work for Griz for 4 -hour shifts....Unioncounty Slayer can go down and be the foreman...Davet can be on call as union steward...and Randy could scout out the turkey for you all....... each of them could get paid $20/hr, including yourself...and get the whole endeaver covered by a government grant for a study in transitional-demographic-socio-pathil-eco-hunting-mental-awareness of the agricultural attributes of an Oklahoma kibbutz??! We're gonna need a cook AK. You up for the job? And if we're calling it a kibbutz we're going to need a moyal. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davetucker Posted March 19, 2008 Report Share Posted March 19, 2008 heck with that kind of deal i will too give up my family job,25$hr,and manegment for that.Any good huntin down there??Heck i'd even do it for $200 a wk!!Do you have any work a well educated women working in the dhs(child social worker)field!!Gotta gave a good pentecostal church and a youth group to work with!! I thought about this allnight while sitting my butt in a crane!!I hope i didn't tick anyone off to bad!! I have alot of experience in harrowing potatoe fields,running planter,discin all the good stuff.It does get old but with the benifits that your giving anyone with a family and another partner who could work for second income ought to be able to live high on that!!Alot different then just the 7 an hr!!That might just equal to about 30 an hr from my estimates.The gas alone,atleast one of my foremen he uses almost 130$ a wk!!Anyways good luck and i hope we can all value ones opinions and i hope you find a realman to replace the other guy!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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