What ever happened to good help...


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..........This is getting interesting......!!:o:rolleyes::D:D

HEY: How about Tominator,Dubie, and Johnf going down to work for Griz for 4 -hour shifts....Unioncounty Slayer can go down and be the foreman...Davet can be on call as union steward...and Randy could scout out the turkey for you all....... each of them could get paid $20/hr, including yourself...and get the whole endeaver covered by a government grant for a study in transitional-demographic-socio-pathil-eco-hunting-mental-awareness of the agricultural attributes of an Oklahoma kibbutz??!:)

LOL...A turkey scouter on the union...Now thats a benifit...

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We're gonna need a cook AK. You up for the job? And if we're calling it a kibbutz we're going to need a moyal.:eek:

.....VERY FUNNY, JOHNF!!:rolleyes::eek::cool::)

......I would imagine that birth control:eek: would be covered in the government grant....so, no need for a moyel(and I don't think it's spelled right...but, not sure....I don't believe in circumcision, anyway)

....Spelling probably doesn't matter at this point in this thread, anyway, since Wyoming Steve has offered his "two-sence" on the matter(couldn't resist-sorry, Steve!!):D:p

........And, as far as me being offered a position of COOK....all due respect guys....after all the years growing up in Texas and being a Dallas Cowboy and U of Texas fan.....you could't PAY me to live in Sooner land!!!:eek::p:D:D:D:D:D

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That is the exact reason I got out of retail management. It is amazing the number of people that can't handle standing behind a counter, talking to customers and running a cash register.

For me, the final straw was a weekend in which I worked 46 of the 54 hours the store was open because people kept calling off or just not showing up. Add in the 6 hours I spent doing paperwork before opening and after closing and I worked 52 hours in three days. That was it for me.

I am now in my 4th year of college working on a BS in English Education. Some people say I am crazy if I think it will be easier because I will be working with kids. At least I know what time I go in and what time I leave, and some lazy bum calling off won't cause me to have to work a double-shift.

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Ah heck, I'll come cook...........just give me a calf to raise as a pet.;):D

Y'all got a storm cellar I can crawl in when those infamous tornadoes roll thru??:D

Why heck yeah Andrea...

Calf Frys on a open fire...

And yeah I have a storm cellar...It's full of water right now.:eek:

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Guest Andrea
Why heck yeah Andrea...

Calf Frys on a open fire...

And yeah I have a storm cellar...It's full of water right now.:eek:

Nevermind. :rolleyes: Calf fries??? I said PET Dale. Something I could give a name and feed and play with it and put bows in her hair and never ever ever never let her go to the shhhhhhhhhhhh.................................butcher.:eek::(:rolleyes:

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Nevermind. :rolleyes: Calf fries??? I said PET Dale. Something I could give a name and feed and play with it and put bows in her hair and never ever ever never let her go to the shhhhhhhhhhhh.................................butcher.:eek::(:rolleyes:

Then what the ehck are they even good for????? BEEF, it's whats for dinner!!!!!

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Nevermind. :rolleyes: Calf fries??? I said PET Dale. Something I could give a name and feed and play with it and put bows in her hair and never ever ever never let her go to the shhhhhhhhhhhh.................................butcher.:eek::(:rolleyes:


I have one penned up right now...

Her name is Ribeye...:D

And I also have 5 of those little bugers that I'm bottle feeding...They are a hoot now...

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.....VERY FUNNY, JOHNF!!:rolleyes::eek::cool::)

......I would imagine that birth control:eek: would be covered in the government grant....so, no need for a moyel(and I don't think it's spelled right...but, not sure....I don't believe in circumcision, anyway)

....Spelling probably doesn't matter at this point in this thread, anyway, since Wyoming Steve has offered his "two-sence" on the matter(couldn't resist-sorry, Steve!!):D:p

........And, as far as me being offered a position of COOK....all due respect guys....after all the years growing up in Texas and being a Dallas Cowboy and U of Texas fan.....you could't PAY me to live in Sooner land!!!:eek::p:D:D:D:D:D

Hey that's the way the websight I looked it up on spelled it. Arkansas fans always said that the only reason Texas didn't float off into the gulf was that OK sucked so much. :D

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Aren't there any reliable high school / college age kids around that need the cash? That's who should be lining up to get those types of jobs. Not some 46 year old with a wife and 2 children! By the time a family bread winner (whether a man or woman) reaches that age, he/she should have some marketable skills and a career.


And with the price of things these days, (such as fuel, just to get to work and back), $7 per hour/minimum wage just isn't enough.

Those minimum wage jobs are great for young folks just starting out, and still living at home though.

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