Which spot to pick?

Guest Heter32

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Guest Heter32

I have been watching birds and I found three spots. I found several small pines in an open grass field with lots of waste near them. I found a roost spot for another bird on the edge of pines and hard woods. My last spot I found was a crossing at a creek about three feet wide. Is there any way to tell which one of these 3 areas is best?

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i wear rubber boots so the second and third spot would be ideal,, i geuss the first one is good too, maybe try to hunt the second spot for a couple days if something doesn't happen, get across that creak and try that spot. sounds like you have a lot of choice and your set ups are good..

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If you found a place where they are regularly crossing a creek that's a GOLD MINE!

In my opinion, that's an all day spot right there. For them to leave that much sign of their crossing they must be using it several times a day.

You can work birds through spots like that all day long. I would hunt that place for 5 and 6 hrs at a time.

Roost spots are usually only good for the first hour of the day. That's a small portion of the day. I'd go for the creek crossing especially if you don't have to compete with other hunters for the roosted birds.

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