Finally....some rest


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This past week was so hectic and stressful at college...being the last week before break. I had a huge Microbiology exam on Thursday and was studying crazily for that on top of a nursing quiz Thursday morning, and a paper write-up for clinical. The paper was basically a reasrch paper on 3 drugs assigned to me by my professor that my patient had and I had to look up what they do, how they do what they do, what tests relate to determining if the drug worked in the person, side effects, implications, teaching, etc..... It was a pain in the but but got it done and emailed Friday. So my break technically started Friday but not really. I had SOLO Wilderness First Aid certification, which also would give me my Wilderness First Responder Certification. that went from 6pm-11pm Friday night and then 8:30am-5pm yesterday. But I passed the quizzes for WFA and recert. test for WFR:cool:

My brain is shot, I can't believe I don't have to stress about something for a week, a whole week off. Now I just hope enough snow melts, which it's working on it, so I can do some shed hunting!

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