20 gauge-good enough? part 2


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Got the wife out to shoot her 870 20 gauge last night just before dark, and here are the results along with a pic from a week or so ago of the winchester loads. Think the nitros are patterning a little better than the winchesters.

Think 35 yards is probably about the max distance she is going to get with this setup and these loads.

Winchester supreme turkey loads #5 shot at 30 yards.


Remington nitros 3 inch #5 shot 30 yards.


Nitros at 35 yards.


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Spend the money on a range finder if you can. They sure make things easier making you more confident in your distance especially since a strutting Tom can deceive your judgement.

Did you try #6 shot? I swear by them in Federal and Winchester loads. They provide a bit tighter pattern for me and have lots of killing power for head and neck shots.

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Spend the money on a range finder if you can. They sure make things easier making you more confident in your distance especially since a strutting Tom can deceive your judgement.

Did you try #6 shot? I swear by them in Federal and Winchester loads. They provide a bit tighter pattern for me and have lots of killing power for head and neck shots.

We do have a range finder.

This is a 20 gauge, could not find anything other than #5's in winchester and remingtons I posted.

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i would try with different types of shells. i had to shot a 20ga 870 express last year but i called the bird into 12 steps so it was no problem but i was having the same problem out at 30 yrds and farther. the type of choke can also make a one heck of a difference. a buddy of mine lives and dies by his undertaker tube. if you are going to use this gun for several years to hunt turkeys i think that it would be worth the investment to see what works with your particular gun

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We are using an Undertaker choke in my son's 870 20ga. shooting Hevi Shot's Hevi 13 #6s. His patterns are very tight out to 30 yards and by watching our back stop, are delivering as much energy as my 12ga.

You should try the Hevi 13 #6s. You get more pellet count and they hit just as hard if not harder as the #5 lead.

We are getting right around 27 pellets in the head and neck at 30yrds. And the Red Dot scope helped alot to focus the densest part of the patern.

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I could live with that,,,For 30 yards and a 20ga that looks pretty average to me,,,,,I dont think she will have any problems at all around that range...You could try a few different loads and maybe get a little better pattern out of it but like I said,,I could live with that.....Good Luck.......:D :D :D

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We are using an Undertaker choke in my son's 870 20ga. shooting Hevi Shot's Hevi 13 #6s. His patterns are very tight out to 30 yards and by watching our back stop, are delivering as much energy as my 12ga.

You should try the Hevi 13 #6s. You get more pellet count and they hit just as hard if not harder as the #5 lead.

We are getting right around 27 pellets in the head and neck at 30yrds. And the Red Dot scope helped alot to focus the densest part of the patern.

Have not been able to find hevi shot loads here for the 20 gauge. Her target she got I believe around 30 pellets in the head and neck with the nitros at 30 yards.

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Guest HoppeMan

I shot my gobbler last spring at 40 yards with my little 20. Factory full choke. Stepped up a bit this year. 870 Express 12 gauge, Tru-Glo turkey choke. Can't wait to get out and pattern that puppy :D

Take care,


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A 20 gauge is more than enough gun. Get yourself and Indian Creek .555 tube and some Nitro straight 7 hevi shot. This combination will likely out produce most 12 gauge patterns at 40 yards. Check out the tubes at Indiancreekss.com and Nitro ammo at Nitrocompany.com. Also, check out oldgobbler.com for some great 20 gauge info, along with other great turkey hunting info. Trust me, your 20 can be made to be a killing machine with less recoil and less weight than the 12.

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