Easter dinner?

Guest Andrea

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Early sunday afternoon, I'll be with a good 50+ people from my moms side of the family. It's been some kind of a tradition for a few generations now(well heck theres 3 generations involved now) to have a wiener roast every year on easter. Hot dogs, along with about 20 different side dishes/desserts. It's some good stuff. We use to always do it at my grandpa's old house, which had a huge yard, a nice like, and a nice kitchen to make the food. Now we rent out a church in a small town out there. Unfortunately it's gonna be a little different this year. We lost my grandma back in January. Hopefully everything else will remain the same, but it'll be hard without her.

After that, my parents will go to my dads parents house. There use to always be 20 or so people there, but a lot of people have moved away as the grandkids got older. I don't get to go to this one, because I'll be at the good ol pizza hut makin not enough money. There they will probably have ham or something like that, with some macaroni, baked beans, and that kind of stuff.

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Easter Sunday is always one of my busiest days of the year, even busier than the Christmas season. So, me and my wife will probably do nothing more than a little something here or fast food (if fast food, burger with no bun and chili-------I am on the "low carb" diet as well) I always have to get back to the office early on Easter to prepare the communion service for Easter Sunday night. We always have just as big of a service on Sunday night as we do on Sunday morning.

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