Urine Test


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i feel the same way it would realy cut the welfair out, and my thoughts about it i dont care if you are not in a job that isnt hazardous or not, so you do a joint or what ever you might be doing you are still going to get in your car and go home or where you might go, and i dont think i would want to run into a high indivadual, they didnt make drugs illegale for nothing.but to me its just like this the goverment arbitrated liquor, than made it leagle, so i amagine if the goverment could tax it, they would make it leagle,

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I don't think your little classification quite fits your little smug remark. I know of people that deserve the "Crazy Check" as you put it and they have a heck of a lot more character and consideration. Some people actually need it. :mad:

Pay attention,,,We are not talking about the people that really need it,,,,We are talking about the people that abuse it:rolleyes:.....I know people on SSI that go to the doctor and fake how sick they are just to get a prescription for pain medication which cost them something like $1 to get it filled and then sell it,,,I know of a few ladies on SSI that were chubby so they put on more weight just so they could get bypass surgery to lose weight,,Why:confused: Because they was to lazy to lose the weight and the 30 thousand dollar surgery was free for them,,,We the taxpayers paid for it......I also know of people who have perfectly healthy young children and take them from doctor to doctor hoping to find something wrong with them so they can sign them up.......It makes me sick to see those type of people that abuse the system that have never worked a day in their life,,,,,,,Again,,,,,IAM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY NEED IT!!!!............:D :D :D

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Their will always be individuals that find loopholes to use and then abuse our system meant for the ones with legitimate hardships. Many of us are in agreement that it is morally wrong and it is unacceptable. That is why those abusers do go to jail if they are caught.

I took that words you used "crazy check whatever you want to call it" as being smug too 4Blade..though I don't think you meant it that way. It just does not give SSI any credit by calling it crazy. Remember we are talking about some citizens only source of income here and we are discussing whether they should all be drug tested if they collect this check. Which is another factor as well not only will you test the ones that are abusing but you will be testing legitimate citizens and infringing on their right to privacy.

Tell me if a somone walks down the street and shoots a man is the gun responsible or is the 'someone' responsible? I'm sure we would all agree the one holding the gun is responsible. But there are crazy people out there that would say it was the gun! So how far do we have to go in 'policing' our society before all our rights are taken away?

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Their will always be individuals that find loopholes to use and then abuse our system meant for the ones with legitimate hardships. Many of us are in agreement that it is morally wrong and it is unacceptable. That is why those abusers do go to jail if they are caught.


Pre-employment drug tests don't completely prevent drug users from getting jobs. They still get employed. The truth is the majority of drug users in this country are employed.

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Their will always be individuals that find loopholes to use and then abuse our system meant for the ones with legitimate hardships. Many of us are in agreement that it is morally wrong and it is unacceptable. That is why those abusers do go to jail if they are caught.

I took that words you used "crazy check whatever you want to call it" as being smug too 4Blade..though I don't think you meant it that way. It just does not give SSI any credit by calling it crazy. Remember we are talking about some citizens only source of income here and we are discussing whether they should all be drug tested if they collect this check. Which is another factor as well not only will you test the ones that are abusing but you will be testing legitimate citizens and infringing on their right to privacy.

Tell me if a somone walks down the street and shoots a man is the gun responsible or is the 'someone' responsible? I'm sure we would all agree the one holding the gun is responsible. But there are crazy people out there that would say it was the gun! So how far do we have to go in 'policing' our society before all our rights are taken away?

I could agree with that somewhat,,,,,But I do think it is way to easy for people to abuse the system.......If anything instead of drug testing "all" of the people why not drug test so many at random every so often:confused:.............:D :D :D

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