Why is it that?


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The bucks are still holding on to the antlers, fighting vigourously and seem to be in another rut right now? Is it because they never really had a full rut in November and December? Or is it that the weather are throwing them off too? IF that is the case, hunting is going to be difficult in the years to come if the weather keeps doing what its done for the last two years and throwing the ruts off. Would Oklahoma change there season to allow bowhunting till March or will they choose to keep it like it is?

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My buddy and I compared the pics of our game cams and her place is like 30 to 45 miles from me and we both had a bunch of different bucks with the racks on still and pics of them fighting and such, especially when there was a doe close by. Its weird, because when I was out hunting, the rut never really happened but it really seems to be going now.

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But why do they still have their antlers?????

That's a very good question.

I imagine deer lose their antlers at different times in different areas? I take it from your remarks that OK deer normally shed by now. I know in IL I generally stop seeing antlered deer in February. I wouldn't be too surprised to see antlered deer in late Feb. I would be suprised to see them now.

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Here in IL, it's not uncommon for deer to hold onto their antlers into late Feb, and even early March, but this late would get me to thinking. Don't know why bucks are still holding onto them. As for scrapes, we were shed hunting and say some scrapes that were being worked and most of the deer around here have shed. I think it would be like Todd said, they still have to keep the pecking order and that's 1 way to do it.

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Deer drop their antlers when their testosterone level drops. Testosterone levels drop after the rut, when breeding activity slows or stops. Supposedly mild winters may have an effect. Nutrition is another factor. According to some reading I have done in different parts of the country deer have been noted still carrying antlers in the beginning of May.

Does can and will continue to come in until they are bred, it is not a once a year cycle if they do not successfully breed. Possible you have does around that missed the primary and secondary ruts and it has been just enough to keep the bucks continuing breeding I guess.

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Bucks will fight year around......Still have to keep the pecking order in place ;):)

I would doubt the rut is still going on.

Yea I would have to agree. Deer do makes scrapes out of season aswell here is a quoted text from One of the many books I own on whitetail deer.

"Whitetail Country by Daniel J. Cox photographer and John Ozoga text"

Scrapes, made by white-tailed bucks primarily during the courtship and breeding period(although I've found some made in May, and others suggest that summertime scraping does occur),appear to serve two distinct purposes, one being to attract breeding females, and the other to intimidate rival males

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Originally Posted by toddyboman viewpost.gif

Bucks will fight year around......Still have to keep the pecking order in place ;):)

I would doubt the rut is still going on.

Yea I would have to agree. Deer do makes scrapes out of season aswell here is a quoted text from One of the many books I own on whitetail deer.


"Whitetail Country by Daniel J. Cox photographer and John Ozoga text"

Scrapes, made by white-tailed bucks primarily during the courtship and breeding period(although I've found some made in May, and others suggest that summertime scraping does occur),appear to serve two distinct purposes, one being to attract breeding females, and the other to intimidate rival males

Deer, does included will use some scrapes year round. Those are called community scrapes.

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