Anyone see this safety device?


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I was watching one of the outdoor programs the other day when they plugged a revolver safety device that I would like to get more info on.

The device looked like a dummy round (blue plastic) and if you pull the trigger on this shell it disables the gun by extending a small plastic stop into the barrel. This doesn't allow the cylinder to rotate thus you can't rotate in a live round. You have to use a ramrod type reset tool to reset the round thus enabling the gun once again.

Anyone else see this add and remember what it is called?

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johnf -- thanks for finding that link for us! I have to say however that this product isn't the one they had on the show, but it works in a very similar way. The one they demonstrated on the show I saw appeared to be plastic and was not primer driven. The firing pin hit a plastic release that sprung the plunger that entered the barrel. It was reset the same as the product you found.

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