Ar-15 ?

Guest Heter32

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Guest Heter32

I have an olympic arms AR-15. Model # on the gun is PCR 02. Anyone able to tell me what the actual name of the gun. Like match, ultra match or what? Or where I can find my answer.

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...What caliber?...-And, can you post a picture??-that would help.

-But, there might be someone who will log on, and be able to tell you right away.

-We have only Colt -style Ar-15's

...PCR stands for"Politically Correct Rifle"....

........Note: -try the AR-15 website, or Olympic Arms site(if you haven't already)....

-Try looking up the OA K16 semi-auto .223.....see if anything looks familiar....Good luck!- and , welcome to the forums!

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