Hey does this match?


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....Hey.....Remember that funny commercial when that gal has these real tight pants on, is ready to go out the door with her friends....her husband is engrossed in football on tv...and she asks him,"HONEY....Do these pants make me look fat??!"

......You know.....I say, whatever floats your boat!-WHO CARES what anyone else thinks!!(but, I have enjoyed seeing pics of your bow, and truck!-).....aren't deer colorblind, anyway??!

....Do I think hot pink and orange look great??

-YOU BETCHA!!!!!:D:D:p:)

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Knobs you always did like funny colors on your strings.:D cant quite see the orange at all. heck they look ok to me. do they help you shoot any better?:D

nice truck by the way.:D where did you get that camo stuff for it from?


help me shoot any better? no havent found the majic set of strings that will do that yet............camo is from DEEZEE

his name (my truck that is) is Diesel Dick and his liecense plates read ITSHUGE:eek:

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