Mossberg 835 vs 535 Turkey Guns?


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  • 3 weeks later...
If I remember correctly the 535 and the 500 are identical with the exception of accepting 3.5 inch shells. The 835 differs from the the 535 in the fact that the barrel is overbored to almost a 10 gauge while still shooting 12 gauge shells.

If I were to get either a 935, 835, or a 535. It would be the 935. Only problem there is, it will not cycle a low brass shell. Now if you wanted something for doves to turkey to waterfowl. Then the 835 will work for everything! Get the combo barrels, your all set. The over-bored barrels will pattern better, which is why I would stay away from the 535. Unless the budget wont allow this.

I own an 835 with a 26" barrel, I use for turkey only, but I also have a modified choke. I have used this gun for doves and small game, worked great. The length of barrel no longer applies with the patterns of the shot path. Only the choke does this now. A longer barrel only helps with aiming while swinging on a target, such as a pheasant or duck. The shorter barrel still can be use, just makes it tougher to hit your target.

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