Making a box call


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PABOWHUNTR I have made a few myself. The plan look pretty good to get you started. I did not angle the sides and got pretty good results. Make the sides and the striker from different woods. The last couple I made I made the sides from butternut wood which is very soft and the top from a hard wood. It can be done the other way too. I also prefer to make mine sound a little deeper and raspier than most and my sides are quite thin. I sand them till they are .100 to .105 thick. The thinner the side the deeper the sound. I also make a few wingbone calls a year for my own enjoyment.

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Here's one that I made for myself several years ago. This one goes in the woods with me every time. I actually called up 7 longbeards with it last Friday morning.

It took me several attempts to get a call the way I wanted it. I basically took measurements from several different calls and used them as a guide to come up with my own.

Good luck.


Here's another one that I made for a friend.


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Here's one that I made for myself several years ago. This one goes in the woods with me every time. I actually called up 7 longbeards with it last Friday morning.

It took me several attempts to get a call the way I wanted it. I basically took measurements from several different calls and used them as a guide to come up with my own.

Good luck.


Here's another one that I made for a friend.


Those calls are absolutely beautiful.

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