CWD Numbers in Alberta


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Hey guys, I just got out of a presentation with the Head disease specialist for Alberta and the 2007 results are fresh off the press, as of March 23th,2008 to be exact. A total of 47 cases in the cull areas ( Areas running along the Saskatchewan border). 44 Mule Deer and 3 Whitetail tested positive. Just thought some might like to know the numbers

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ya they kill thoasands of deer and bury them in a pit and find a few sick ones, well worth it killing a herd off, makes me sick, open up the huntign opertunities,kill more deer by legal methods to keep the population in controal , mother nature does funny things to controal the population if it gets out of contoal, in my opinion deer have had this since the beginning of time, just finding it now becouse they are testing, I know in this area if a sick deer is seen NO ONE HUNTING will let the wardens know, we do not want a massacre here like in alberta and the sandhills!I talked to a rancher downsouth who said 30 years ago before the mule deer came in he seen a bunch of sick deer,found a few dead, yet today the herd is perfect, if thegoverment heard that today they would kill the whole area and ruin some of the best genetics in the world like they did in the sandhills!thsi is just my opinion but I am pretty hard headed on it, I just hate to see all the deer die the way they did in alberta or the way in the sandhills here, people get 1 buck and 2 doe tags, shoot them cut the heads off and bring them to the warden and get more tags, most of the deer were dog food or left to rot, it brought out the worst in people cutting fences not asking permission, I believe if you kill something use it,whether deer, coyote or anything, I do not believe in just the killing part,this is what these culls have become!I think in most zones here in sask they are doing the right thing,giving more oppertunities to get deer,mostly does, I believe they have dropped the population here by 40% or so with the doe tags the past 5 years or so, I miss seeing the numbers but believe its the best to help disease or winterkill,Like I said before this is my belief,not what the goverment thinks, but I also believe I am way smarter than the goverment lol!!

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I know that the biologist that are working in these cull zones want the deer numbers down to 1 deer/km2.. there is something like 10,000 deer in these zones. What a waste in my opinon, but we were told that this is the best method of controlling the disease that they know little about at this time. I personally think that there is going to be a big "opps" when they realize that they killed soo many deer for no reason.

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